耶和華的心 是平安的意念 一生一世祂定意用恩典為你冠冕

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Presentation on theme: "耶和華的心 是平安的意念 一生一世祂定意用恩典為你冠冕"— Presentation transcript:

1 耶和華的心 是平安的意念 一生一世祂定意用恩典為你冠冕
耶和華的心 詞曲:陳逸豪 耶和華的心 是平安的意念 一生一世祂定意用恩典為你冠冕 The heart of the Lord is peace of mind He will give you a crown of grace for your whole life ©2002 Heaventunes International 有情天音樂世界 版權所有 請勿翻印

2 耶和華的心 是賜福的意念 一生一世祂已應許慈愛永不改變
The heart of the Lord is the gift of blessings His promised love will never leave you for all your life

3 當你遇苦難 祂渴望與你共承擔 試探中祂要更新你 賜夠用恩典
耶和華的心 當你遇苦難 祂渴望與你共承擔 試探中祂要更新你 賜夠用恩典 When you suffer, He suffers with you He will renew you during temptation His grace is sufficient for you

4 唯願你全心交託 尋求祂榮面 In sadness and sorrow He wants to give you relief
耶和華的心 憂傷與愁煩 祂渴望為你來舒緩 唯願你全心交託 尋求祂榮面 In sadness and sorrow He wants to give you relief Seek His beauty with all your heart

5 耶和華的心 是慈愛的意念 一生一世我要讚美信靠到永遠
The heart of the Lord is love I want to praise and trust Him all my life

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