Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)

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1 Chinese IIAB (IIA +IIB)
9 Olympic and Friend Module (lesson 47-48) Friend quiz review

2 Click Allow Step 1 Click on Audio Setup Wizard to test your sound if it is good. Step 2 Click on Mute My speaker to mute sound. Click on people to your different need. Step 3 To exit Adobe

3 Where is e-Textbook? Please click on page 5 to find Module Learning Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the first module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Learning Guide and notes is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area.

4 Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading.
Lesson 48 Friend Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading. 琳达(1)____去上周的古代文学课,(2)_____她问王明:金老师都讲了什么?王明说,金老师讲到《论语》当中的一篇文章。《论语》是孔子的代表作。孔子是中国古代的一(3)_____大哲学家。琳达觉得中国的古文很难,所以她(4)_____去图书馆借《论语》这本书。王明说,琳达可以用“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”这句话欢迎她的朋友。如果琳达说这句话,她的朋友一定觉得琳达的中文好(5)_____。

5 Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading.
Lesson 48 Friend Q1-6 Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading. 琳达没去上周的古代文学课, 所以她问王明: 金老师都讲了什么? 王明说,金老师讲到《论语》当中的一篇文章。 《论语》是孔子的代表作。 孔子是中国古代的一位大哲学家。 琳达觉得中国的古文很难, 所以她得去图书馆借《论语》这本书。 王明说,琳达可以用“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎” 这句话欢迎她的朋友。 如果琳达说这句话, 她的朋友一定觉得琳达的中文好极了。

6 Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading.
Lesson 48 Friend Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading. 琳达(1)没去上周的古代文学课, Linda did not attend the ancient Chinese literature class last week. (2)所以她问王明: Therefore, she asked Wang Mind. 金老师都讲了什么? What did Mr. Kim teach(about the course)? 王明说,金老师讲到《论语》当中的一篇文章。 Wang Ming said, Mr. Kim said he mentioned an article from Confucian Analects 《论语》是孔子的代表作。 Confucian Analects is the masterpiece of Confucius’s work. Lín dá méi qù shàng zhōu de gǔdài wénxué kè, suǒyǐ tā wèn wáng míng: Jīn lǎoshī dōu jiǎngle shénme? Wáng míngshuō, jīn lǎoshī jiǎng dào “lúnyǔ” dāngzhōng de yī piān wénzhāng. “Lúnyǔ” shì kǒngzǐ de dàibiǎozuò.

7 Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading.
Lesson 48 Friend Reading comprehension – select the correct after reading. 孔子是中国古代的一(3)位大哲学家。Confucius was a great philosopher of ancient China. So she had to go to the library to borrow "The Analects" this book. 琳达觉得中国的古文很难, Linda felt that ancient Chinese classic literature is very hard. 所以她(4)得去图书馆借《论语》这本书。 Therefore, she needs to borrow “The Analects” from the library. 王明说,琳达可以用“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎” Wang Ming said, Linda can use “Is it happy that a friend comes from far away?” 这句话欢迎她的朋友。This sentence is to welcome her friend. 如果琳达说这句话,If Linda said this sentence. 她的朋友一定觉得琳达的中文好(5)极了。Her friend will think that Linda’s Chinese is very good. Kǒngzǐ shì zhōngguó gǔdài de yī wèi dà zhéxué jiā. Lín dá juédé zhōngguó de gǔwén hěn nán, suǒyǐ tā dé qù túshū guǎn jiè “lúnyǔ” zhè běn shū. Wáng míngshuō, lín dá kěyǐ yòng “yǒupéng zì yuǎnfāng lái, bù yì lè hū” zhè jù huà huānyíng tā de péngyǒu. Rúguǒ lín dá shuō zhè jù huà, tā de péngyǒu yīdìng juédé lín dá de zhōngwén hǎo jíle.

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