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國立高雄第一科技大學 科技法律研究所 案例討論 課程:醫療與法律

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1 國立高雄第一科技大學 科技法律研究所 案例討論 課程:醫療與法律
國立高雄第一科技大學 科技法律研究所 案例討論 課程:醫療與法律 指導教授:周天 所長 報 告 人:碩專班二年級 孫慈和 CASE 13 HELLING v. CAREY

2 案例事實 原告為被告所治療的病人,因為身為眼科醫師的被告未能適時診斷並治療其所罹患之青光眼,致其造成永久的視力損傷,因而對被告提起醫療業務過失(Malpractice action )之訴。

3 案例事實 History(1) 1959 for myopia, nearsightedness. At that time she was fitted with contact lenses. September,1963, concerning irritation caused by the contact lenses. October, 1963 February, 1967; September, 1967; October, 1967; May, 1968; July, 1968; August, 1968; September, 1968; October, 1968.

4 案例事實 History(2) October 1968 consultation, the defendants considered the plaintiff's visual problems to be related solely to complications associated with her contact lenses. On that occasion, the defendant, Dr. Carey, tested the plaintiff's eye pressure and field of vision for the first time. This test indicated that the plaintiff had glaucoma. The plaintiff, who was then 32 years of age, had essentially lost her peripheral vision.

5 程序 In August of 1969, the plaintiff filed a complaint against the defendants alleging that she sustained severe and permanent damage to her eyes as a proximate result of the defendants' negligence. The trial court entered judgment for defendants following a defense verdict, the Court of Appeals, Division I, James, J., affirmed, and the patient petitioned for review.

6 Supreme Court of Washington, En Banc.
the Court of Appeals affirmed plaintiff defendants trial court Morrison P. HELLING and Barbara Helling, Thomas F. CAREY and Robert C. Laughlin Malpractice action 侵權行為 trial court entered judgment for the defendants following a defense verdict

7 原告主張 (1)下級法院對於陪審團有關定義眼科醫師standard of care之採證標準有誤。

8 被告主張 對於40歲以下的病人,由於青光眼發病機會相當低,就眼科執業的標準而言,並無作常規眼壓試驗的規定,因此無需對於原告罹患該疾病的結果負過失責任。

9 專家證言 (1)該疾病於40 歲以下極少發生。 (2)就眼科執業的標準而言,對於40歲以下的病人,並無作常規眼壓試驗的必要。

10 爭點 被告依照眼科執業的標準,未能及時對於原告作眼壓試驗以早期診斷青光眼,致使原告永久喪失大部分視力,對於該結果被告能否主張免責?

11 判決 Defendants were negligent as a matter of law in failing to administer a simple glaucoma test to the patient despite uncontradicted expert testimony that it was the universal practice of ophthalmologists not to administer glaucoma tests to patients under age 40 because the incidence of glaucoma at younger ages was so small.

12 判決理由(1) 常規的作為也許是應所作為的証明,但是對於應所作為而言,不管其是否被遵守,應謹守於合理謹慎的標準。
Justice Holmes stated in Texas & Pac. Ry. v. Behymer, 189 U.S. 468, 470, 23 S.Ct. 622, 623, 47 L.Ed. 905 (1903): What usually is done may be evidence of what ought to be done, but what ought to be done is fixed by a standard of reasonable prudence, whether it usually is complied with or not. 常規的作為也許是應所作為的証明,但是對於應所作為而言,不管其是否被遵守,應謹守於合理謹慎的標準。

13 判決理由(2) In The T. J. Hooper, 60 F.2d 737, Justice Hand stated: 在大部分的案例中reasonable prudence事實上就是common prudence,但是嚴格言之並不把它當成是一衡量標準。 reasonable prudence 不必設定其檢測試驗,但是其使用的場合必須具有說服力。 如果其預防措施是絕對必要的,則即使是為大家普遍性所被忽視的的情形,也不能因此而對其疏忽主張免責。

14 判決理由(3) 基於本案例事實 (1)適時對於原告施予眼壓試驗屬於reasonable prudence

15 判決理由(4) 基於以上理由,本院認為 (1)在雙方不爭議的案例事實下,所謂的reasonable standard 就是應該及時對原告施予簡單而且無傷害性的眼壓試驗。 (2)被告因未執行該試驗因而造成原告失明結果,為有過失,應負過失責任。

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