Message: The Victory of Easter

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1 Message: The Victory of Easter
信息:「復活日的得勝」 Message: The Victory of Easter 邢承中 弟兄 Chen Chung Hsin 翻譯 Translator:傅玉雲

2 內容 Content 聖經經文 Bible Reading (路加福音 24:1-12) (Luke 24:1-12)
(約翰福音 20:1-8) (John 20:1-8) 引言 Introduction 勝過罪 Victory over Sin 勝過死亡 Victory over Death 勝過隔絕 Victory over Separation 結語 Reflections

3 引言 Introduction 景象 Scene 變換 Transformation 得勝 Victory 空十字架 Empty Cross
羞辱→榮耀 Shame→Glory 勝過罪 Over Sin 空墳墓 Empty Tomb 死亡→生命 Death→Life 勝過死亡 Over Death 空裹頭巾 Empty Burial Cloth 隔絕→同在 Separation→Togetherness 勝過隔絕 Over Separation

4 勝過罪 Victory Over Sin 十字架的救恩滿足神 赦罪的應許 在十架上,耶穌以無 罪的生命代贖世人的 罪行 從此,羞辱的十字架
成為榮耀的記號 如同耶穌釘死在十架 上,凡屬祂的,亦當 將我們的罪性釘在十 架上 The Salvation on the cross fulfills God’s promise to forgive sins On the cross, Jesus offered His sinless life for the forgiveness of our sins Hence, the cross transforms shame to glory Like Jesus who died on the cross, we who belong to Him should have also crucified the sin on the cross

5 勝過死亡 Victory Over Death
空墳墓滿足神賜復活 的生命的應許 空墳墓見證神戰勝 死亡的復活大能 我們若在祂的死上與 祂聯合,也必在祂的 復活上與祂聯合 當那日,我們必全然 復活 The Salvation through the empty tomb fulfills God’s promise of our resurrection The empty tomb demonstrates God’s power over death and His power of resurrection If we have been united with him in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection On that day, we will be raised to eternal life

6 勝過隔絕 Victory Over Separation
捲著的裹頭巾滿足神 與我們同在的應許 空裹頭巾表明祂是活 的救主;祂已超越時 我們得以脫離隔絕, 與神親近 祂願隨時隨地與我們 同在,以保護,供應, 與眷顧幫助我們 The Salvation through the folded up burial cloth fulfills God’s promise to be with us The empty burial cloth demonstrates that He is a living Savior, who has transcended over time and space We are therefore no more separated from God He is willing to be with us and help us with His protection, provision, and providence

7 結語 Reflections 在此復活主日,我 們當一同慶祝主的復 活,並祂復活大能帶 給我們生命的影響 這復活大能已勝過 罪,死亡,與隔絕
藉這復活大能,我 們罪得赦免,得賜永 生,並得耶穌基督為 生命的主 On this day of Ester, Let’s celebrate Christ’s victory and resurrection, and the effect of the power of resurrection on our lives This power has overcome sin, death and separation Through this power, we are redeemed, given eternal life and having Jesus as our personal savior and counselor

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