Revision 中考英语一轮复习 ---话题整合.

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1 Revision 中考英语一轮复习 ---话题整合


3 Revision Food and drinks


5 food drinks words fruits vegetables

6 What's your favorite food or drinks? Why? (Give at least two reasons)
Oral English Practice What's your favorite food or drinks? Why? (Give at least two reasons)

7 How to make food or drinks
Think about how to make a banana milk shake or how to cook a turkey

8 First…, then…, and…, next…, finally…
Look and say: peel cut up put…into pour…into turn on drink First…, then…, and…, next…, finally…

9 First…, next…, then…, when…, fnally…
Talk about how to make a turkey! 4 3 1 2 5 First…, next…, then…, when…, fnally…

10 pancakes pancakes

11 How to Make Pancakes strategies: 1. title 2. pictures 3. ingredients Here are ______ for making pancakes. To make pancakes, we need 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of milk and ________. Get all the ingredients ready __________cooking. First, mix everything together. ___________ put some of the mixture into a frying pan (平底锅). Cook the pancakes on ________sides. It is more delicious if we add lemon and sugar. ways 1 egg before Next /Then 2/both

12 Let's go to the restaurant

13 Waitress: Can I help you. What kind of …do you like
Waitress: Can I help you? What kind of …do you like? What else do you want? Customer: I'd like some... What kind do you have? How much …?

14 making a toast


16 Table manners in different countries
China Japan France Other countries make a noise say “ I’m full” only eat bread with your hands point at others with chopsticks stick food with chopsticks When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

17 Writing 假如你的笔友Bob作为交换生要来中国生活一年,但他对中国的饮食习俗特别是餐桌礼仪知之不多,写信向你寻求帮助,请根据以下要求,给Bob 回信。 提示词: have… for, should/shouldn’t, be supposed to do 要求: 1. 中国的饮食习惯(如每餐吃什么 ) 2. 在餐桌上如何做(至少列举三项) 3. 用上提示词,文中不得出现真实校名或人名 4. 字数80-100(文章开头结尾以给出不计入总字数)

18 I’m happy to hear that you will come to China. _________
Dear Bob, I’m happy to hear that you will come to China. _________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope you will have a great time on your exchange program. Yours

19 Food and drinks what have you learnt in this class?
Word bank of food and drinks How to make food or drinks Food and drinks How to order food or drinks How to behave at the table

20 Finish your learning paper
Homework Please write a process of making your favorite dish or food or drinks (using first, next, then and finally) Finish your learning paper

21 Good bye!

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