他的国度 His Kingdom 1/6 Now glorified, now justified, His Kingdom comes

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Presentation on theme: "他的国度 His Kingdom 1/6 Now glorified, now justified, His Kingdom comes"— Presentation transcript:

1 他的国度 His Kingdom 1/6 Now glorified, now justified, His Kingdom comes
耶稣,神公义的彰显 Jesus, God's righteousness revealed 他是人子,神独生子,他国降临 The Son of Man, the Son of God, His Kingdom comes 耶稣,神牺牲的救赎 Jesus, redemption's sacrifice 今得荣耀,今已称义,他国降临 Now glorified, now justified, His Kingdom comes

2 他的国度永远长存 And this Kingdom will know no end
他的荣耀无法测度 And it's Glory shall know no bounds 君王的大能和尊贵 For the majesty and power 他的国度已来到 Of this Kingdom's King has come

3 他的国度 His Kingdom 3/6 他国度掌权,他统管万有 And this Kingdoms reign, And this Kingdoms rule 他的国度满有权柄和能力 And this kingdoms power and authority 耶稣,神公义的彰显 Jesus, God's righteousness revealed

4 神的恩典,神的话语,向我彰显 The grace of God the word of God Revealed to us
他的国度 His Kingdom 4/6 耶稣,神慈爱的表明 Jesus, the expression of God's love 神的恩典,神的话语,向我彰显 The grace of God the word of God Revealed to us 耶稣,神完全的圣洁 Jesus, God's holiness displayed 今得荣耀,今已称义,他国降临 Now glorified, now justified

5 他的国度永远长存 And this Kingdom will know no end
他的荣耀无法测度 And it's Glory shall know no bounds 君王的大能和尊贵 For the majesty and power 他的国度已来到 Of this Kingdom's King has come

6 他的国度 His Kingdom 6/6 他国度掌权,他统管万有 And this Kingdoms reign, And this Kingdoms rule 他的国度满有权柄和能力 And this kingdoms power and authority 耶稣,神公义的彰显 Jesus, God's righteousness revealed

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