1.是這份愛,主你走向十架  是這份情,主你甘心捨命  是這份愛,主你默然無怨  是這份情,主你愛我到底

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1 1.是這份愛,主你走向十架  是這份情,主你甘心捨命  是這份愛,主你默然無怨  是這份情,主你愛我到底 Because of your love, Lord you went to the cross. This kind of love; your willing sacrifice; this is your love. You harbored no hatred. With this your love, you love me to the end.

2 主你愛拯救了我, 救我脫離罪惡 帶領我進入光明中, 享受主豐富的生命
  帶領我進入光明中,   享受主豐富的生命 Your love gave me salvation, helped me to leave my sin, and enter into your kingdom, loving Lord, a bountiful life.

3 2. 是這份愛,主你翻山越嶺  是這份情,主你門外等候  是這份愛,主你深情呼喊  我的佳偶,起來與我同去 This kind of love, o'er mountains and forests. This kind of love; you wait outside the door; this is your love. Lord, your called us to you, my part - ne gets up and walks with me.

4 冬天雨水已止住,地上百花開放 深願我佳偶能相隨, 天涯海角永不分離
 冬天雨水已止住,地上百花開放 深願我佳偶能相隨, 天涯海角永不分離 After winter rains have stopped, the ground is filled with flow'rs, Drawing my partner to follow. Your love is with me to the end.

5 3.是你是你,輕輕耳邊呼喚  是你的愛,擦乾臉龐淚水  是你是你,醫治破碎心靈  是你的愛,我願奉獻一生 It's you, it's you. Quietly hearing your call. It is your love; drying tears from my face. Deeply healing my soul, your love makes me want to surrender all.

6 主你愛溫暖我心,恩典一生相隨 惟願我緊跟主腳步, 天涯海角永不分離
 主你愛溫暖我心,恩典一生相隨  惟願我緊跟主腳步,  天涯海角永不分離 Lord, your love, it warms my heart. Your grace, all my life fills, Causing me to follow His steps. Your love is with me to the end.

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