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Presentation on theme: "重要环境新闻解析."— Presentation transcript:

1 重要环境新闻解析

2 1980~2000年的20年间,能源消费总量只增加了7亿吨标煤,而2001~2006年的短短6年就增加了11亿吨标煤。目前,中国人均排放接近世界人均水平,排放总量很快将超过美国成为全球第一排放大国。

3 Carbon Emissions Per Person
6 5.60 5 4 3 Tons of Carbon, per person 2.72 2.40 2 A-11 Disparities are just as great in terms of present emissions, and there are a variety of ways to express this. Given the demographic disparities among countries, the most common is on a per capita basis (similar to expressing per capita income). In 1999, U.S. emissions averaged about 5.6 tons of carbon per head. This is about 20 times the average Indian and more than 10 times the average Chinese person (SLIDE). Although from the atmosphere’s perspective, all emissions contribute equally to global warming, such large disparities reveal a social character of carbon emissions that differs widely from country-to-country. A large portion of U.S. carbon emissions results from luxuries that are unavailable to most other nations. On the other hand, those emission in poor nations are primarily for basic human needs like food and shelter. 2004年,中国排放总量是印度的4.3倍,人均排放是其3.6倍,单位GDP的能源 强度是印度的1.45倍,单位能源的碳强度是其1.5倍。 1 World Average 0.53 0.25 0.24 U.S. Russia E.U. Japan China India Africa Sources: World Resources Institute Underlying data source: U.S. DOE, Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual 1999. Notes: Shows carbon emissions associated with fossil fuel combustion.

4 Carbon Emissions Per Country/Region
6 5.47 5 4 3 Billion Metric Tons 1.42 3.25 1.15 2.89 .91 .22 2 A-11 Disparities are just as great in terms of present emissions, and there are a variety of ways to express this. Given the demographic disparities among countries, the most common is on a per capita basis (similar to expressing per capita income). In 1999, U.S. emissions averaged about 5.6 tons of carbon per head. This is about 20 times the average Indian and more than 10 times the average Chinese person (SLIDE). Although from the atmosphere’s perspective, all emissions contribute equally to global warming, such large disparities reveal a social character of carbon emissions that differs widely from country-to-country. A large portion of U.S. carbon emissions results from luxuries that are unavailable to most other nations. On the other hand, those emission in poor nations are primarily for basic human needs like food and shelter. 2004年,中国排放总量是印度的4.3倍,人均排放是其3.6倍,单位GDP的能源 强度是印度的1.45倍,单位能源的碳强度是其1.5倍。 1 U.S. Russia E.U. Japan China India Africa Sources: World Resources Institute Underlying data source: U.S. DOE, Energy Information Administration, International Energy Annual 1999. Notes: Shows carbon emissions associated with fossil fuel combustion.

5 重要环境新闻解析 环境保护部挂牌 设立能源局:渐进式路径选择 经济学家称中国将在2015年成世界最大经济体 节能减排拐点初现

6 2003年以来GDP与节能减排对比

7 2003年以来GDP与节能减排对比 年份 GDP 单位GDP COD SO2 能耗 2003 10.0% 5.5% -2.4% 12.0%
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