No Smoking in the Vehicle 車內禁止吸煙

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Presentation on theme: "No Smoking in the Vehicle 車內禁止吸煙"— Presentation transcript:

1 No Smoking in the Vehicle 車內禁止吸煙
對話 Taxi Driver:Please put out your cigarette, sir. 司機︰先生,麻煩請您把菸熄掉。 Passenger:Why? 乘客︰為什麼? Taxi Driver:Look at this sign. There is no smoking in the vehicle. A taxi is a public space. 司機︰請看這個標誌。車內禁菸,因為計程車是公共場所。 Passenger:OK. 乘客︰好吧。 Taxi Driver:Thank you, sir. Now please put on your seatbelt. 司機︰謝謝您,先生。現在請繫上安全帶。

2 ★vehicle n.車輛 vehicle 指有輪子的交通工具,包括car(汽車)、bus(公車)、truck(卡車)、pickup(小貨車)等。 ★cigarette n.香菸 a pack of cigarettes一包香煙 a carton of cigarettes一條香煙(10包裝) ★put out... 熄滅……;撲滅…… 例:Please put out your cigarette in the ashtray.(請把菸熄在菸灰缸裡。) 例:Don t try to put out a grease fire with water. = Don t try to extinguish a grease fire with water.(別試圖用水撲滅油類引起的火災。) 出自:2008年10月29日蘋果日報

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