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《语言与文化》 Unit 3 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

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1 《语言与文化》 Unit 3 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
夏登山 北京外国语大学 英语学院 电话:

2 汇报内容 单元总体设计 教学过程安排 目标能力监测

3 一、单元总体设计 单元结构 Text A Text B Lead-in Preparatory work
Intercultural reflection Critical reading Text B Creative response Language enhancing

4 二、 教学过程安排 课前准备 课堂安排 第一课时 第二课时 第三课时 Preparatory work Vocabulary list
Preview: Text A (Presentation) Background Knowledge Comprehension check 第二课时 Language enhancement Summary writing & peer review Evaluation and Exploration 第三课时 Asking your questions Preview: Text B Intercultural refelction Presentations: Intercultural refelction

5 第一课时: Preparatory work + Text A (Understanding the Text)
(1) 收集Vocabulary list (2)汇报Preparatory work的答案,由师生共同补充

6 (3) 补充一定的Background knowledge
Pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics and semiotics that studies the ways in which context contributes to meaning.

7 (4) 提供延伸阅读材料清单,为Presentation提供资料来源
For classical works in intercultural communication, please refer to: Hall, Edward T. (1955). The Anthropology of Manners.Scientific American,192: Hall, Edward T. (1959). The Silent Language. New York: Doubleday. For more updated information, please find the following journals: Cross-Cultural Communication published by Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture (CAOOC) Across Languages and Cultures published byAkadémiaiKiadó Language and Intercultural Communication published byRoutledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd.

8 2. Lead-in 从phatic communion的跨文化差异引入 让学生提供自己观察到的inter/intra-cultural differences

9 Text A: Understanding the text
3. 宏观理解: Main theme/purpose/conclusion: Structure: three parts Eight levels of communication differences Style: academic

10 4. 深度理解: Comprehension check: questions (2)-(7) 分6组讨论,每组充分讨论三个问题 轮流汇报、补充

11 第二课时: Language Enhancement + Evaluation and Exploration
1. 语言理解: Paraphrasing, Translation, and beyond 2. 分组讨论并汇报: Evaluating the text (1), (2), (3) Exploring beyond the text (1), (2), (3) 3. Making an outline: 独立完成(5分钟) 课堂点评(topic outline/sentence outline, intuitive thinking/theoretical thinking)

12 第三课时:Text A: Evaluation and Exploration + Presentations
1. Asking your own questions:讨论、汇报、点评 2. Intercultural reflection (1) 3. 补充新的问题:pragmatics and pragmatics? 4. Presentations: Intercultural reflection (2), (3) (p74) 10 minutes + Q&A (3 mins) + Comments 课后延时书面点评

13 Sample questions

14 三、目标能力监测 自主学习能力 语言运用能力 思辨能力 跨文化能力 人文素养和学科知识

15 1. 自主学习能力 Instructional design of Preparatory work/Autonomous learning
显性学习(explicit learning)与隐性学习(implicit learning) 信息检索方式的对比 信息源可靠性的评判 自主学习效率的反思

16 2. 语言运用能力 语言练习 显性矫正 双动词、简单动词 高级动词 语言输入和输出量

17 3. 思辨能力: 本单元目标技能 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of personal experience as evidence p61: Evaluating the text- question (1) Organize your arguments with an outline p62: Making an outline Note and reflect on the differences between academic writing and everyday writing Asking your questions/paraphrasing (p65),outlining(p62)

18 3. 思辨能力: 通用技能 1) Understanding 2) Applying 3) Analyzing
Comprehension check: interpret, generalize, identify 2) Applying Applying the theoretical way of thinking/outlining 3) Analyzing differentiating in Questions for exploration (1); organizing an idea in Evaluating the text (3); determining the point of view in comprehension check (7), etc.)

19 3. 思辨能力: 通用技能 4) Evaluating 5) Creating
judging the strengenths and weaknesses in Evaluating the text (1), critiquing/challenging the authority in Evaluating the text (3) 5) Creating generating a hypothesis in Intercultural reflection and Evaluating the text (3); planning in making an outline (p62)

20 4. 跨文化能力:目标技能 1) Identify similarities and differences in verbal/non- verbal communication across cultures (p 60 1.(7); p61 2.(2);p74 Intercultural reflection) 2) Be aware of multiple levels of differences on which cross-cultural communication can falter (p 60 comprehension check) 3) Interpret communication behaviors from cultural and historical perspectives (p74 Intercultural reflection, question 2)

21 4. 跨文化能力:通用技能 Intercultural awareness/attitude Intercultural knowledge
(p61 2(2); p74 Intercultural reflection, question 3) Intercultural knowledge

22 5. 学科知识和人文素养 肢体语言 非语言交际Non-verbal communication 语用学 跨文化交际

23 5. 学科知识和人文素养 语言使用现象的研究兴趣 跨文化交际行为的敏锐观察力 对严谨的逻辑思辨的好感 ...

24 说课总结 教材:Unit 3 Text A (Text B 不讲) 教学方法:自主学习+分组讨论 教学过程:1+4+1

25 学生和教师的任务 预习课文Text A + Text B 制作生词表 完成Preparatory work
回答Critical Reading部分的问题、参与课堂讨论 写作Summary+相互评阅(peer review) 提出自己的问题(语言理解、知识观点、逻辑思辨等) 完成Language Enhancement语言练习 准备Presentation

26 Unit 3 教学设计 请批评指正! 夏登山

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