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高中图书馆阅读模式之尝试 ——以“书香成长计划”为例
高中图书馆阅读模式之尝试 ——以“书香成长计划”为例 Reading Programs in High School Libraries –Growth with Reading Program in Danfeng School 陕西省丹凤中学 王 珊 珊 Danfeng High School Library, Shaanxi Shanshan Wang 2019/5/1
一、“书香成长计划”的提出 (一)读书、阅读的重要意义
一、“书香成长计划”的提出 (一)读书、阅读的重要意义 古今中外名人谈阅读的重要意义 建设学习型社会、学习型政党的需要 实施素质教育及新课程改革的要求 (二)中学生阅读现状分析 (三)“书香成长计划”的提出 2019/5/1
1. Growth plans with books 1.1 The value of reading
Chinese and foreign celebrities remarks on the importance of reading Needs of Building a learning society and learning party Requirements of Quality Education the New Curriculum Reform 1.2 Analysis of students’ reading situation in Middle school 1.3 plan proposal of Growth with books 2019/5/1
二、项目实施的策略和步骤 2 Project implementation strategy
招聘、培训图书协管员 Librarian Recruitment, training 2019/5/1
班级设立图书角 Class Book Corner 2019/5/1
Setting “Hit Book , Books Garden, Loving Words of a Book ” billboards in every class 2019/5/1
Log File of the Growth with Reading Program by students themselves
学生每人制作“书香成长记录册” Log File of the Growth with Reading Program by students themselves 2019/5/1
School-wide rating for Reading Stars
学校开展“读书之星”评比。 School-wide rating for Reading Stars 2019/5/1
三、“书香成长计划”的效果评估 图书角、宣传栏的效果评估 图书流通率的评估
项目班在项目实施前后及项目班和非项目班学生在学习兴趣、态度、习惯、方法、效果等方面对比评估 项目班学生参与度、阅读作品质量对比评估 “书香成长记录册” 的评估与展示 2019/5/1
3 .Outcome Assessment of Reading Program
Effect assessment of billboards and Book Corner Book circulation statistics Comparative assessment of classes have or have not the reading program on learning, attitudes, habits, methods, on the basis of Before and after evaluation. Comparative assessment of willing of participation and students works from the experimental classes Evaluation of students’ Log File of the Growth with Reading Program 2019/5/1
四、问题与思考 (一)项目实施中存在的问题
四、问题与思考 (一)项目实施中存在的问题 对课外阅读观念和认识上的误区 阅读方法、阅读技巧、阅读习惯、阅读能力的或缺。 2019/5/1
4 Problems and Rethinking 4.1 Problems in the program implantation
Misunderstanding on concepts of reading Lack of reading skills, reading habits, est. 2019/5/1
(二)图书馆未来的设想 让图书馆成为新课程实施中重要的课程资源 让图书馆成为学生研究性学习的信息采集地 让图书馆成为发展学生个性的舞台
加强阅读指导,“授人以渔” 不断完善,推而广之 2019/5/1
4.2 Future Plan of School Library
Library being curriculum resources in the New Curriculum Implement Library being the research base for students Library being a stage for the students’ personality improvement Strengthening reading instruction Continuous improvement 2019/5/1
谢 谢! Thank you! 2019/5/1
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