Artist, Creator, I give to You my heart.

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Presentation on theme: "Artist, Creator, I give to You my heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artist, Creator, I give to You my heart.
Mold me and make me into Your work of art. Turn me and shape me into a vessel true. Lord, make me holy as I give myself to You. 藝術家,造物主,我將心歸你 求你塑造我成為你的傑作 鍛鍊並雕削我,成有用的器皿 主啊,我願將自己獻上,求你分別為聖 The Artist 藝術家 (1)

2 You touch and make me whole.
Lord, paint Your beauty on the canvas of my soul. With hands of love You touch and make me whole. Create the Masterpiece that only You can do. Lord, make me holy as I give myself to You. 求主將你的榮美描繪在我生命中 用您慈愛雙手觸摸我,使我得完全 塑造我成佳作 - 唯你能成就 主啊,我願將自己獻上,求你分別為聖 The Artist 藝術家 (2)

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