H025 沒有血, 沒有壇 NO BLOOD, NO ALTAR NOW (1/5)

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1 H025 沒有血, 沒有壇 NO BLOOD, NO ALTAR NOW (1/5)
沒有血,沒有壇,祭祀已成過去; No blood, no altar now, the sacrifice is over! 沒有煙冒,沒有火燃,犧牲再無必需。 No flame, no smoke ascends on high, The lamb is slain no more, 更美的血流自更貴的脈; But richer blood has flowed from nobler veins, 洗淨人的污穢,清償人的罪債。 To purge the soul from guilt, and cleanse the reddest stains. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

2 神,我們感謝祢,為祢兒子的血, 靠它我們被稱為義,靠它我們得捷。 大勝地獄、死亡、黑暗勢力; 毋需兩次爭戰,不留一個仇敵。
H025 (節2/5, 頁1/1) 神,我們感謝祢,為祢兒子的血, We thank Thee for the blood, the blood of Christ, Thy Son: 靠它我們被稱為義,靠它我們得捷。 The blood by which our peace is made, our victory is won: 大勝地獄、死亡、黑暗勢力; Great victory over hell, and sin, and woe, 毋需兩次爭戰,不留一個仇敵。 That needs no second fight, and leaves no second foe. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

3 神,我們感謝祢,因有天來恩典; 漫過我們最闊不義,赦免最深罪愆。 我們要讚美祢所有的愛, 像祢榮耀、權柄、能力,存到萬代。
H025 (節3/5, 頁1/1) 神,我們感謝祢,因有天來恩典; We thank Thee for the grace, descending from above, 漫過我們最闊不義,赦免最深罪愆。 That overflows our wildest guilt, Th' eternal Father's love. 我們要讚美祢所有的愛, Love of the Father's everlasting Son, 像祢榮耀、權柄、能力,存到萬代。 Love of the Holy Ghost, Jehovah, Three in One. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

4 神,我們感謝祢,因為盼望堅固; 下沈的靈藉以再起,直至晨曦顯露。 有福的盼望,何等的鼓舞; 最疲倦的曠野,最艱難的道路。
H025 (節4/5, 頁1/1) 神,我們感謝祢,因為盼望堅固; We thank Thee for the hope, so glad, and sure, and clear; 下沈的靈藉以再起,直至晨曦顯露。 It holds the drooping spirit up till the long dawn appear; 有福的盼望,何等的鼓舞; Fair hope! with what a sunshine does it cheer 最疲倦的曠野,最艱難的道路。 Our roughest path on earth, our dreariest desert here. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

5 神,我們感謝祢,為那榮耀之冠, 並非只有一時美麗,轉眼即已枯殘, 乃是像寶座不朽到永遠, 樂哉,能向寶座投下所有冠冕。
H025 (節5/5, 頁1/1) 神,我們感謝祢,為那榮耀之冠, We thank thee for the crown of glory and of life; 並非只有一時美麗,轉眼即已枯殘, 'Tis no poor withering wreath of earth, Man's prize in mortal strife; 乃是像寶座不朽到永遠, 'Tis incorruptible as is the throne, 樂哉,能向寶座投下所有冠冕。 The kingdom of our God and His incarnate Son. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

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