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NEWSLETTER LAW OFFICE 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 10 2013 2013年第10期.

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1 NEWSLETTER LAW OFFICE 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 10 2013 2013年第10期

2 本刊特稿 Special Manuscript
目 录 CATALOGUE 本刊特稿 Special Manuscript 外国人申请签证新制度解读 Reading of New Regulation for Aliens Applying for Visas 新法速递 New Laws and Regulations Express 抢抓自贸区建设机遇,加快融入上海自贸区 Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the completion of China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone to accelerate integration into it . 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

3 锡山区加快推进法律援助服务体系全覆盖 Xishan District accelerates the complete coverage of the legal aid service system. 1780万专项资金助力物联网产业发展 The industry development of the Internet of Things (IOT) is helped by 17.8 million special funds 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

4 实务问答 Practice of Labor Laws
案例分析 Analysis of Case 1.派遣工工伤待遇“就高”判赔 Court adjudicated compensation for work-related injuries “on a higher basis” to a dispatched worker. 2.停工留薪期内能否以“旷工”为由解雇职工 Can an employee be dismissed for “absenteeism” within the period of suspension with pay? 实务问答 Practice of Labor Laws 1.当终止合同时遇到病假如何处理? What if the employee is taking a sick leave when the employment contract expires? 2.未签劳动合同,单位可以随时终止劳动关系吗? Can the employer terminate the employment relationship if no employment contract is signed? 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

5 3.单位体检可以强行要求查乙肝吗? Can the employer force the employee to accept a physical checkup on Hepatitis B? 4.出国定居后,养老保险个人账户如何处理? What to do with his/her personal account of the pension insurance if an individual settles abroad? 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

6 Reading of New Regulation for Aliens Applying for Visas
本刊特稿 Special Manuscript 外国人申请签证新制度解读 Reading of New Regulation for Aliens Applying for Visas 作为《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》的重要配套行政法规,自2013年09月01日起实施的《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》引起了社会的广泛关注。 As important supporting regulation for the law of the PRC on the Entry and Exit of Aliens, Management Regulation of the PRC on the Entry and Exit of Aliens, which come into force on September 01, has been widely noted. 代签签证的3种情形 Three Cases for Visas Application Agent 《条例》增加了代为申请签证证件的规定。签证证件代为申请的3种情形: (1)未满16周岁或者已满60周岁以及因疾病等原因行动不便的; (2)非首次入境且在中国境内停留居留记录良好的; (3)邀请单位或者个人对外国人在中国境内期间所需费用提供保证措施的。 另外,属于国家需要的外国高层次人才和急需紧缺专门人才,以及未满16周岁或者已满60周岁以及因疾病等原因行动不便的,也可以由邀请单位或者个人、申请人的亲属、有关的专门服务机构代为申请居留证件。 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE

7 THANK YOU ! 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM 本期NEWSLETTER详细内容,可致电或发邮件索取,我所免费提供!
As for the content of this Newsletter in detail, you can ask for by Telephone or and we will provide it for you free. Tel : THANK YOU ! 锦程律师事务所 KING’S WISDOM LAW OFFICE 江苏锦程律师事务所 Jiang Su King's Wisdom Law Office Tel. : +86   1599 Fax.: +86   1598 地址 Address:  无锡市中山路333号华光大厦2楼A1座 邮编214001 2A1, Wah kwong Building, 333 Zhongshan Rd, Wuxi, China 214001

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