我以祷告来到祢跟前 Every time I pray

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Presentation on theme: "我以祷告来到祢跟前 Every time I pray"— Presentation transcript:

1 我以祷告来到祢跟前 Every time I pray

2 我以祷告来到祢跟前, I will come to You in prayer 我要寻求祢.
I will seek Your face 我要站在破口之中, I will stand within the gap 在那里我寻求祢. There will I intercede 1/4

3 每一次我祷告, 我摇动祢的手, For every time I pray, I move the hand of God 祷告做的事, 我的手不能做. My prayer does the things, my hands cannot do 每一次我祷告, 大山被挪移, For every time I pray, the mountains are removed 道路被铺平, 使列国归向祢. The paths are made straight, And nations turn to You /4

4 2. 主我是软弱及无助, 那就是我的得胜. I am weak and helpless Lord 祢却是我的力量.
You, my strength shall be 以祢亲切的手引导我, Guide me with Your gracious hand 那就是我的得胜. There will my victory be. 3/4

5 每一次我祷告, 我摇动祢的手, For every time I pray, I move the hand of God 祷告做的事, 我的手不能做. My prayer does the things, my hands cannot do 每一次我祷告, 大山被挪移, For every time I pray, the mountains are removed 道路被铺平, 使列国归向祢. The paths are made straight, And nations turn to You /4

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