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「生醫領域的職涯規劃」- Anthraquinones being Trichoderma biocontrol molecules

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1 「生醫領域的職涯規劃」- Anthraquinones being Trichoderma biocontrol molecules

2 演講者:彭國証教授(東華大學生命科學系)
演講題目:Anthraquinones being Trichoderma biocontrol molecules 演講日期:104年5月19日(二)(12:30 ~ 14:30) 演講地點:第一教學研討室 主辦單位:醫學系微生物學科 參與人數:19人

3 演講內容簡述 在彭老師幽默的演講方式中,以個人生涯故事出發,延伸至研究發展過程。彭老師於大學時代求學過程中,十分喜好科學,即立志當科學家的願望。畢業後,發願五年內要拿到PHD的學位,因此,很認真努力的求學,出國深造;拿到學位後回國,然求職並不十分順利,經介紹任職於業界等工作經歷,最後擔任教職等工作心路歷程。 此次介紹的研究摘要:Trichoderma spp produced many secondary metabolites with biological functions such as antibiotics and elicitors. Among many, anthraquinones are major secreted molecules as a role of pigments. In the three way test, Trichoderma (or anthraquinon, or chrysophanol)-cabbage-Botrytis (or Rhizoctonia), of this research, anthraquinone and chrysophanol showed antimicrobial activities, cabbage growth promotion, and pathogens-resistance development. The molecular mechanisms of these treatments were investigated showing photosynthesis molecules increase as well as the sucrose transporters that both promote cabbage growth. However, the resistance related proteins did not change both in Trichoderma treatment and in anthraqinones treatments while the water treatment cabbage challenged with pathogens increased significantly. This unexpecting result might contribute to an unknown mechanism.

4 活動問卷調查結果 填表人數:19人 問卷結果: 4.5 問卷題目 滿意度(5分量表) 您對本次講師的整體表現感到滿意
您對本次演講內容規劃感到滿意 整體而言,本次演講符合您的期望 此次演講對您的職涯規劃是否有幫助 平均

5 圖說:感謝彭老師百忙之中撥冗為本碩士班演講,分享了研究成果並帶來精彩的個人職涯故事。讓學生都受益良多。

6 圖說:有很多的疑問想要提問,謝謝彭老師的分享!

7 圖說:彭老師的研究說明。

8 圖說:彭老師精彩的演講!

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