S431 跟 隨 Follow On 我願意跟隨主,奔走平坦道路, Down in the valley with my Savior I would go, 或遇花木茂盛 清水常流之處; where the flowers are blooming and the sweet waters.

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Presentation on theme: "S431 跟 隨 Follow On 我願意跟隨主,奔走平坦道路, Down in the valley with my Savior I would go, 或遇花木茂盛 清水常流之處; where the flowers are blooming and the sweet waters."— Presentation transcript:

1 S431 跟 隨 Follow On 我願意跟隨主,奔走平坦道路, Down in the valley with my Savior I would go, 或遇花木茂盛 清水常流之處; where the flowers are blooming and the sweet waters flow

2 Everywhere He leads me I would follow 一路走到天上我必跟從主。
既有救主引導, 我心歡然跟隨主 Everywhere He leads me I would follow 一路走到天上我必跟從主。 Walking in His footsteps till the crown be won.

3 跟隨跟隨!我願跟隨耶穌, Follow. Follow. I would follow Jesus
跟隨跟隨!我願跟隨耶穌, Follow! Follow! I would follow Jesus! 不論往何地方,我要跟隨主 跟隨跟隨! Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on! Follow! Follow! 我願跟隨耶穌 只望耶穌引導我必跟隨主 I would follow Jesus! Everywhere He leads me I would follow on!

4 我願意跟隨主,奔走危險道路 Down in the valley with my Savior I would go 或遇狂風暴雨黑雲 阻我前途 Where the storms are sweeping and the dark waters flow

5 既有救主引導 我心永遠不受驚, With His hand to lead me I will never, never fear 總不懼怕危險,因有主同行。 Danger can not fright me if my Lord is near.

6 跟隨跟隨!我願跟隨耶穌, Follow. Follow. I would follow Jesus
跟隨跟隨!我願跟隨耶穌, Follow! Follow! I would follow Jesus! 不論往何地方,我要跟隨主 跟隨跟隨! Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on! Follow! Follow! 我願跟隨耶穌 只望耶穌引導我必跟隨主 I would follow Jesus! Everywhere He leads me I would follow on!

7 Down in the valley or upon the mountain steep, 我靈常願與主親近 永不分離
我願意跟隨主 不論高山平地, Down in the valley or upon the mountain steep, 我靈常願與主親近 永不分離 Close beside my savior would my soul ever keep

8 他必安然領我 跟隨他的腳蹤行, He will lead me safely in the path that he has trod 我願與主同行 一直到天庭 Up to where they gather on the hills of God.

9 跟隨跟隨!我願跟隨耶穌, Follow. Follow. I would follow Jesus
跟隨跟隨!我願跟隨耶穌, Follow! Follow! I would follow Jesus! 不論往何地方,我要跟隨主 跟隨跟隨! Anywhere, everywhere, I would follow on! Follow! Follow! 我願跟隨耶穌 只望耶穌引導我必跟隨主 I would follow Jesus! Everywhere He leads me I would follow on!

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