願我身心才智工夫,都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 既從罪中得蒙贖出,理當完全歸耶穌。

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Presentation on theme: "願我身心才智工夫,都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 既從罪中得蒙贖出,理當完全歸耶穌。"— Presentation transcript:

1 願我身心才智工夫,都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 既從罪中得蒙贖出,理當完全歸耶穌。
S290 都歸耶穌 1/4 願我身心才智工夫,都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 既從罪中得蒙贖出,理當完全歸耶穌。 All for Jesus, all for Jesus! All my being’s ransomed powers: All my thoughts and words and doings, All my days and all my hours.

2 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主。
S290 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主。 All for Jesus! All for Jesus! All my days and all my hours; All for Jesus! All for Jesus! All my days and all my hours.

3 願我雙手為主服務,願我雙足跟主行﹔ 願我雙目仰望耶穌,願我口舌頌主名。
S290 都歸耶穌 2/4 願我雙手為主服務,願我雙足跟主行﹔ 願我雙目仰望耶穌,願我口舌頌主名。 Let my hands perform His bidding, Let my feet run in His ways; Let my eyes see Jesus only, Let my lips speak forth His praise.

4 All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Let my lips speak forth His praise.
都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主。 All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Let my lips speak forth His praise.

5 自我定睛仰望耶穌,便看萬事如糞土﹔ 每逢想到十架救贖,只願與主永相屬。
S290 都歸耶穌 3/4 自我定睛仰望耶穌,便看萬事如糞土﹔ 每逢想到十架救贖,只願與主永相屬。 Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus, I’ve lost sight of all beside; So enchained my spirit’s vision, Looking at the Crucified.

6 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主。
S290 都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主。 All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Looking at the Crucified.

7 何等希奇何等奧妙! 榮耀君王是耶穌﹔ 竟以慈愛向我呼召,在祂翼下受庇護。
S290 都歸耶穌 4/4 何等希奇何等奧妙! 榮耀君王是耶穌﹔ 竟以慈愛向我呼召,在祂翼下受庇護。 Oh, what wonder! how amazing! Jesus, glorious King of kings, Deigns to call me His belovèd, Lets me rest beneath His wings.

8 All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Resting now beneath His wings.
都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主﹔ 都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌!都歸耶穌我救主。 All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Resting now beneath His wings.

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