At the Airport Going somewhere!.

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Presentation on theme: "At the Airport Going somewhere!."— Presentation transcript:

1 At the Airport Going somewhere!

2 Vocabulary: Airport Departure
where 哪裡 go Canada 加拿大 see passport 護照 plane 飛機 ticket here 這裡 boarding pass 登機證 trip 旅行

3 Here is my passport and ticket.
Useful Phrases and Sentences Where are you going? 你要去哪裡? May I see your _______? 我可以看您的 _______? Here is my passport and ticket. 這是我的護照跟機票。 Have a good trip. 旅途愉快。

4 Hello. Where are you going?
Dialogue Hello. Where are you going? 哈囉。請問你要去哪裡? I am going to Canada. 我要去加拿大。

5 Dialogue 我可以看您的護照及機票嗎? 旅客:這裡是我的護照跟機票。 這是您的登機證。 旅客:好的,謝謝您。 旅途愉快。 旅客:謝謝。
Check-in Attendant: “May I see your passport and plane ticket please?” 我可以看您的護照及機票嗎? Passenger: “Here is my passport and ticket.” 旅客:這裡是我的護照跟機票。 Check-in Attendant: “Here is your boarding pass.” 這是您的登機證。 Passenger: “Okay, thank you very much.” 旅客:好的,謝謝您。 Check-in Attendant: “Have a good trip.” 旅途愉快。 Passenger: “Thank you.” 旅客:謝謝。

6 Vocabulary: Currency Exchange
cashier 出納員 change 零錢 hundred 一百 Canadian 加拿大的 dollar 元 money 錢 trip 旅行

7 Useful Phrases and Sentences
How may I help you? 我可以幫您什麼嗎? I want to ________. 我想要 _______。 Have a good trip. 旅途愉快。

8 Dialogue (At the Currency Exchange) Cashier: “How may I help you?”
出納員:我可以幫您什麼嗎? Customer: “I want to change 150 NT$ into Canadian dollars. 顧客:我想將台幣一百五十元換成加幣。 Cashier: “Okay. That will be five Canadian dollars.” 出納員:好的。那會是五元加幣。 Customer: “Here is my money” 顧客:這裡是我要兌換的錢。 Cashier: “Here is your Canadian money. Have a good trip.” 出納員:這裡是你的加幣。祝您旅途愉快。

9 Vocabulary: Airplane Cabin
aboard 在國外 seat 座位 straight 直行的 aisle 走道 window 窗戶 lady 女士 gentleman 男士 fasten 繫緊 safety belt 安全帶 prepare for 準備 take-off 起飛

10 Useful Phrases and Sentences
May I see your boarding pass? 我可以看您的登機證嗎? Here you are. 在這裡。 Do you have the window seat? 你的座位是靠窗座位嗎? Do you have the aisle seat?   你的座位是靠走道座位嗎? Fasten your safety belt.  緊繫您的安全帶。

11 Dialogue (In the airplane cabin)
Flight Attendant: “Welcome aboard. May I see your boarding pass?” 空服員:歡迎登機。我可以看您的登機證嗎? Passenger 1 and 2: “Here you are.” 乘客1跟2:在這裡。 Flight Attendant: “You are in seats 18A and 18C. 空服員:你的座位在18A跟18C。 Passenger 1 and 2: “Thank you.” 乘客1跟2:謝謝。 Passenger 1: “Do you have the window seat or the aisle seat?” 乘客1:你的座位是靠窗座位還是靠走道位座位? Passenger 2: “I am in seat 18A, so I have the window seat.” 乘客2:我在座位18A,所以我的是靠窗座位。 Passenger 1: “Then I must have the aisle seat.” 乘客1:那我的就是靠走道座位了。 Flight Attendant: “Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your safety belts and prepare for take-off.” 空服員:各位女士及先生,請緊繫您的安全帶,飛機即將起飛 。

12 Vocabulary: Airport Arrival
officer 官員 passport 護照 Canada 加拿大 visit 拜訪 aunt 阿姨 stay 停留

13 Useful Phrases and Sentences
Why are you in Canada? 您為什麼要來加拿大? How long are you going to stay? 您會待多久? Where are you going to stay? 您會在哪停留?

14 May I have your passport please.
Dialogue May I have your passport please. 海關人員:我可以看您的護照嗎? Here you are. 這是你要的證件。

15 Dialogue Immigration Officer: “Thanks. Why are you in Canada?”
海關人員:謝謝。為什麼要來加拿大? Tourist: “I’m visiting my aunt.” 旅客:我要去拜訪我阿姨。 Immigration Officer: “How long are you going to stay?” 海關人員: 你會待多久? Tourist: “I will stay for one year.” 旅客: 差不多1年的時間。 Immigration Officer: “Where are you going to stay?” 海關人員: 你會在哪停留? Tourist: “I’m going to stay at my aunt’s house.” 旅客: 我會住在阿姨家。 Immigration Officer: “Ok. Have a good time in Canada.” 海關人員: 好的,祝你在加拿大玩的愉快。 Tourist: “Thanks.” 旅客: 謝謝。

16 See you later, gator!

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