祢愛永不變 Your Steadfast Love

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1 祢愛永不變 Your Steadfast Love
Timothy Ko 作词:葛兆昕 作曲:葛兆昕 CCLI #

2 祢流出寶血 洗淨我污穢 將我的生命贖回 You shed Your precious blood washed away my sins
Brought me out of miry clay

3 Revealed to me amazing grace
為了我的罪 Sacrificed yourself 犧牲永不悔 Only for my shame 顯明祢極大恩惠 Revealed to me amazing grace

4 I’ll take my cross and follow you
我深深體會 Now I understand 祢愛的寶貴 Precious is Your love 獻上自己永追隨 I’ll take my cross and follow you

5 Still I’ll be strong and never walk away
或傷心或氣餒 In sorrow or in pain 或生離或死別 in parting or in death 願剛強壯膽永遠不後退 Still I’ll be strong and never walk away

6 從今直到永遠 深深澆灌我心田 Oh, Your love will never change From now until the end
Deeply fill my heart with grace

7 Can ever separate Your love from me
No circles of distress 經滄海歷桑田 No oceans of despair 都不能叫我與祢愛隔絕 Can ever separate Your love from me

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