人機互動 Arduino + Android 授課教師: 開課單位:.

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1 人機互動 Arduino + Android 授課教師: 開課單位:

2 Arduino + Android 應用 Arduino:簡單易用的開放源碼電子原型平台(electronics prototyping platform) Android: 相當受歡迎的行動裝置作業系統平台 兩者相遇,可以創造哪些可能的應用?

3 更多應用案例

4 溝通方案 使用 Android ADK: Android Open Accessory Development Kit
透過藍芽通訊作雙向溝通 Amarino: Build your own solution: Arduino + Android Projects for the evil genius

5 Google I/O 2011 Video Introducing Android Open Accessory API and Development Kit (ADK)

6 ADK 相容開發板 The Arduino Store provides the Arduino Mega ADK (in EU nations or non-EU nations) that is based on the ATmega2560 and supports the ADK firmware. DIY Drones provides an Arduino-compatible board geared towards RC (radio controlled) and UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) enthusiasts. mbed provides a microcontroller and a library to develop accessories that support the Android accessory protocol. For more information, see mbed with the Android ADK. Microchip provides a PIC based USB microcontroller board. Modern Device provides an Arduino-compatible board that supports the ADK firmware. RT Corp provides an Arduino-compatible board based on the Android ADK board design. Seeed Studio provides an Arduino-compatible board that supports the ADK firmware. SparkFun's IOIO board now has beta support for the ADK firmware.

7 相關文件 Android developers 官方網站 Android 課程 (中文教學:關於ADK部分)

8 完整案例說明: DIY Android Ball Maze

9 Amarino Amarino是MIT High-Low Tech小組的專案,取意Android meets Arduino,功能與Android-Firmata相同,但採用更簡單的協定。Amarino 協定封包格式非常單純,只是把要傳輸的資料夾在一個 0×12 起始符號和 0×13 確認符號中間而已。 要開發 Amarino 的互動應用,Arduino 這端的程式要用 MeetAndroid 函式庫,而 Android 這端的程式則要使用 AmarinoLibrary.jar 函式庫,這兩個函式庫都可以在 Amarino 官網取得。

10 Amarino Documentation

11 Amarino Presentation Amarino: a toolkit for the rapid prototyping of mobile ubiquitous computing Master Thesis

12 示意圖 Amarino MeetAndroid
取自 Amarino MeetAndroid

13 Amarino 函式庫內建 Event 取自

14 架構 取自

15 Android與 Arduino 間資料傳輸

16 Amarino Example

17 Arduino + Android Projects
Book site List of projects

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