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US Visa Application for CIC A2

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1 US Visa Application for CIC A2
CIC Guidance Office

2 F 1 签证流程 Before you can apply at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate for an F or M student visa, you must first apply to and be accepted by a SEVP approved school.  When you are accepted by the U.S. school you plan to attend, you will be enrolled in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). You must pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee. The U.S. school will provide you with a Form I-20 to present to the consular officer when you attend your visa interview. 

3 F1 签证流程 Visa I20 DS160 CRI SEVIS
付大学注册押金,等待I20表格, 其中包含重要信息SEVIS No.和School Code; 核对表格上的个人信息,发现错误与大学联系; 只需要在表格上签名。 DS160, 进入该网址填写 DS160 表格; 填完转入CRI 美国签证网络申请系统,如下: CRI, 填写信息开账户,面签预约(打印预约单); 申请费160 美元,打印表格;只支持借记卡,倾向中信银行,领取护照在中信银行网点。 SEVIS 填写I-901 表格,付SEVIS美国国土安全核查费; 申请费200美元,支持借记卡信用卡,打印付费凭证。 Visa 带齐材料去面签,详细清单见后页。

4 通常问题 不能在开课前30天进入美国,最早可以距开课前120天开始申请签证。 提供最近6个月银行对账单,证明足够资金支持留学。
面签通常大约2分钟,根据具体情况一般不超过10分钟。 同时收到几个大学的I20表格,如果临时改变主意,可以联系想去的大学更改SEVIS记录,不需重新交SEVIS费。 如果有未过期的美国旅游签证,可以同时保留两个有效签证,不需要取消旅游签证。 不要在面签前两天更改DS160记录。

5 提前30 天入境 Students are not permitted to enter the United States earlier than 30 days before the start date of their program. If you wish to enter earlier than 30 days before your start date, you must qualify for a visitor (B) visa. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials may admit you to the United States on the visitor (B) visa, but you must apply to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for a change of status to student (F-1or M-1) status. You may not begin your course of study until the change of status is approved, and you may encounter lengthy processing times. 

6 F1签证面签可能问到的问题 Why did you choose to study in the US instead of joining the University in your home country? Why did you choose the University and why is it the best for you? What are your test scores ( SAT, TOEFL, IELTS ), GPA, and your overall performance as a student in the past? How are you funding the entire duration of your education, including tuition, room and board, transportation, and all other expenses? After you graduate, will you return home or will you stay in the United States? Give me 3 reasons that you will come back to China? How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have you prepared the interview with the help of any agency?

7 F-1 签证拒签的原因 If your F1 visa application is denied, it is based on US immigration law, the reason and section of law you are denied under will be given to you in your paperwork.拒签理由会书面给出。 Some applications are denied because the applicant failed to provide necessary information or supporting documentation as required.一些拒签是由于当场无法提供相关文件。 If you do not sufficiently demonstrate that the strong ties to your home country will influence you to return home after your stay in the US, denied under INA section 214(b), Visa Qualifications and Immigrant Intent. 不能充分说明和祖国紧密的关系(移民倾向) Other common reasons for denial include Fraud or Misrepresentation, Unlawful Presence in the United States, Health-related grounds, Criminal-related grounds, or Security-related grounds.欺诈伪造文件,犯罪,健康及安全因素的拒签

8 入境须知 A visa allows a foreign citizen to travel to a U.S. port-of-entry (generally an airport) and request permission to enter the United States. A visa does not guarantee entry into the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials at the port-of-entry have authority to permit or deny admission to the United States. If you are allowed to enter the United States, the CBP official will provide an admission stamp or paper Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record. Learn about procedures for students (with F or M visas) entering the United States on the CBP website under Arrival Procedures for Students or Exchange Visitors.  Learn about admissions and entry requirements, restrictions about bringing food, agricultural products, and other restricted/prohibited goods, and more by reviewing the CBP website.

9 在线填写DS-160表。填写完后,需打印DS-160表的确认页,面签时需携带,签证费缴费凭证。
必须为6个月之内拍摄的50mm*50mm白色背景,头部高度25mm-35mm,眼部到底线28mm-35mm,已冲印的美国签证照片50*50mm正方形白底免冠彩照一张;若用于在线申请时上传的数码照片:jpg/jpeg格式;文件不得大于240kb;照片必须包含申请人的整个面部,颈部和肩膀;数码相片头部占比50%-69%, 眼部以下56%-69%,最小尺寸不得小于600像素(宽)*600像素(高),最大尺寸不得超过1200像素(宽)*1200像素(高)。 2 在线填写DS-160表。填写完后,需打印DS-160表的确认页,面签时需携带,签证费缴费凭证。 3 在线预约面谈,并打印面谈预约单,面签时需携带。 4 通过美国国土安全局网站支付留学生服务费200美元(SEVIS)缴费后一定要打印缴费确认页面,面签需携带。 5 由大学签发的写有学生信息和SEVIS号码的I-20表。 6 大学录取offer原件。 7 有效护照,护照有效期需超出在美预定停留期至少6个月。曾经使用过的旧护照(有之前出国记录的旧护照) 8 户口本;(若学生与父母双方户口不在同一本户口薄上,需出示学生的出生证;若父亲,母亲户口不在同一本户口薄上,需出示父母结婚证)。 9 IELTS/TOEFL, SAT等成绩单, GCE A LEVEL证书, 学校成绩单, 在读证明。 10 银行开具的有半年历史记录的存款证明(学生本人或父母的名义均可;建议金额在人民币70万元以上;冻结日期面签半年)。 11 父母双方的单位收入证明: *注明姓名,工作单位,职务,工作年限,收入状况 *个人所得税单,若个人所得税由单位代扣代缴则应在单位证明中注明 *单位证明需中英文对照 *用含单位名称的抬头纸打印后由相关负责人签名并盖章 12 若父母任何一方为企业或事业单位法人代表,需携带如下材料: *单位营业执照副本 *如果有单位英文介绍,尽量提供 13 辅助材料(即不是必须提供,但若出示可对签证起辅助作用的材料) *投资证明材料:(股票,证券) *房产证、购房合同或购房契约;车辆行驶证/车辆登记证

10 照片要求 Starting November 1, 2016, eye glasses no longer be allowed.
In color Sized such that the head is between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (22 mm and 35 mm) or 50% and 69% of the image's total height from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. View the Photo Composition Template Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open Taken in clothing that you normally wear on a daily basis Uniforms should not be worn in your photo, except religious clothing that is worn daily. Do not wear a hat or head covering that obscures the hair or hairline, unless worn daily for a religious purpose. Your full face must be visible, and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face. Headphones, wireless hands-free devices, or similar items are not acceptable in your photo.

11 必须材料 Gather and prepare the following required documents before your visa interview: Passport valid for travel to the United States - Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your period of stay in the United States (unless exempt by country-specific agreements). If more than one person is included in your passport, each person who needs a visa must submit a separate application. Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page Application fee payment receipt, if you are required to pay before your interview Photo – You will upload your photo while completing the online Form DS-160. If the photo upload fails, you must bring one printed photo in the format explained in the Photograph Requirements.  Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status-For Academic and Language Students, Form I-20 or Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status for Vocational Students, Form I-20 – Your school will send you a SEVIS-generated Form I-20 once they have entered your information in the SEVIS database. You and your school official must sign the Form I-20. All students, their spouse and minor children if they intend to reside in the United States with the student, must be registered in the Student and Exchange Visitor System (SEVIS). Each person receives an individual Form I-20.

12 可能必须的材料 Review the instructions for how to apply for a visa on the website of theembassy or consulate where you will apply. Additional documents may be requested to establish that you are qualified. For example, additional requested documents may include evidence of: Your academic preparation, such as: Transcripts, diplomas, degrees, or certificates from schools you attended; and Standardized test scores required by your U.S. school; Your intent to depart the United States upon completion of the course of study; and how you will pay all educational, living and travel costs. 

13 注意事项 美国领事馆签证处地址: 南京西路1038号梅龙镇广场八楼 提前一小时左右到,提前半小时左右放人进去。
美领馆只能带入透明单层文件夹,最好准备两个透明文件夹,一个装必要的:护照、面签预约确认单、DS160确认信、签证发票(中信)预约号牌;另外一个装补充资料。 文件,钱包(里面不能有硬币),不能带包、手机、钥匙、食物等进入。

14 面签当日流程 楼下部分: 1.给工作人员出示《面签预约确认单》,工作人员在记录里查到你的编号写在你的《面签预约确认单上》,并给你一张入馆须知(也有可能没有)。 2.凭写过编号的《面签预约确认单》拿预约号牌(一张封塑的卡片)。建议先弄清楚哪里是发牌子的再去排队。如果需要存包的话,拿到预约号牌后就可以去存包了。 3.楼下一般会有几个队伍在排,问问工作人员预约几点的是排哪个队。 4.不要理会无关的推销人员,等到保安放你们进去之后,按指示到写字楼的电梯处上8楼。 领事馆内: 1.上楼后,在签证大厅的8楼外,人多的话还需要排队。按工作人员的指挥。排队时会有人拿来一个简易文件夹,让你 把《面签预约确认单》、护照、签证费发票等放入,基本上就是装必须材料的那个袋子。 2. 等排到了,告诉门口的保安你们的签证号/姓名/预约号,他会在登记 表上找到你们的名字画个勾,并检查你们的护照和DS160确认信,会有工作人员给你的护照上贴条形码。 3. 安检:任何金属物品、电子产品都不能带入,需要解皮带、脱皮鞋。 4. 注意保持安静。

15 谢 谢 !

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