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Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名 Father, we love You, we worship and adore You

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Presentation on theme: "Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名 Father, we love You, we worship and adore You"— Presentation transcript:

1 Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名 Father, we love You, we worship and adore You
父神,我愛祢,我們敬拜讚美祢 Glorify Thy Name in all the earth 在全地上榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy Name, Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名,榮耀祢聖名 1/3

2 Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名 Jesus, we love You, we worship and adore You
耶穌,我愛祢,我們敬拜讚美祢 Glorify Thy Name in all the earth 在全地上榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy Name, Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名,榮耀祢聖名 2/3

3 Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名 Spirit, we love You, we worship and adore You
聖靈,我愛祢,我們敬拜讚美祢 Glorify Thy Name in all the earth 在全地上榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy Name, Glorify Thy Name 榮耀祢聖名,榮耀祢聖名 2/3

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