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Presentation on theme: "Turtle规范报告"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turtle规范报告

2 The history of RDF serialization
RDF was first defined by the W3C’s RDF Model and Syntax W3C Recommendation in February 1999. RDF/XML Syntax Specification(Revised) in 2001 However, it is not perfect ! David Beckett .New Syntaxes for RDF (WWW2004)

3 RDF new syntaxes requirements
A canonical syntax that clearly represents RDF triples A syntax that is intended to be easy to author and read Berners-Lee’s Notation 3 (N3)

4 相关语言之间的关系 Notation3 Turtle SPARQL N3N-Triples 取消了URI的缩写形式
Turtle: based on N-Triples with some additions from N3, 即Turtle的主要目的是增加一些语法元素以使得书写和阅读RDF文件更为容易,同时文件也更为紧凑

5 Document example

6 Turtle概述 UTF8编码的文档 一般以ttl作为文档后缀名 2008年1月成为W3C推荐
Submission 28 March 2011 Media Type : text/turtle

7 相关便于简写的语法单元(1) a added to abbreviate the very common rdf:type URI
@base is used for simplifying the URIs of data, where the prefix directives are for vocabularies that describe the data.

8 相关便于简写的语法单元(2) , added to give lists of objects for some subject, predicate ; added to give lists of predicate, object pairs for some subject [ ] added to introduce a blank node

9 相关便于简写的语法单元(3) Abbreviating common datatypes

10 相关便于简写的语法单元(4) Abbreviating RDF Collections

11 小结

12 References 1.David Beckett .New Syntaxes for RDF (WWW2004) 2.Turtle – Terse RDF Triple Language

13 Thanks for Listening! Any Question?

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