Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/02/01

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/02/01"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/02/01
奈米尺度下的物理世界 Dr. Rational You IEK/ITRI 2002/02/01 Source: (2001/09)

2 Outline-1 Source: (2001/09)

3 Outline-2 Source: (2001/09)

4 球狀碳60 結構(Buckyball) Source: (2001/09)

5 在正常金屬圈觀測到AB 震盪 Source: (2001/09)

6 Quantum Corral & Quantum Mirage
Source: (2001/09)

7 CdSe 、InP 及InAs 奈米晶粒 (a)是不同奈米半徑的CdSe 、InP 及InAs 奈米晶粒的光譜。
(b)是包裹ZnS或CdS 的晶粒CdSe 在紫外光激發下所發出的螢光 Source: (2001/09)

8 單電子電晶體(SET) Source: (2001/09)

9 光晶體的能帶結構 Defect Band 是去除一列光材料桿的結果
Source: (2001/09)

10 聲晶體應用奈米材料技術 Source: (2001/09)

11 介孔性奈米結構隔絕火焰對扶桑花之熱效應 Source: (2001/09)

12 Reference 1.「奈米材料和奈米結構」﹐張力德和牟季美著(北京﹕科學出版社)。
2. M. S. Dresselhaus, G. D. Dresselhaus and P. Eklund, Science of Fullerences and Carbon Nanotubes (Academic Press.). 3. R. A. Webb, S. Washburn, C. P. Umbach, and R. B. Laibowitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 2696 (1985). 4. M. F. Crommie, C. P. Lutz, D. M. Eigler, Science 258, 218 (1993). 5. Manoharan, H. C., C. P. Lutz and D. M. Eigler, Science 403, 512 (2000). 6. M. Bruchez, M. Moronne, P. Gin, S. Weiss, A.P. Alivisatos, Science 281 (5385) (1998). 7. J. D. Joannopoulos, R. D. Meade and J. N. Winn, Photonic Crystal (Princeton, New York, 1995). 8. Yukihito Kondo and Kunio Takayanagi, Science 289, 606 (2000). 9. A.N. Korotkov, 「Coulomb blockade and digital single-electron devices」, in: 「Molecular Electronics」, edited by J. Jortner and M. Ratner (Blackwell, Oxford, 1997), pp 10. M. Baibich, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 61, 2472 (1988). 11. E. Yablonovitch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2509 (1987)﹔ S. John, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2436 (1987). 12. Zhengyou Liu, X. X. Zhang, Yiwei Mao, Y.Y. Zhu, Zhiyu Yang, C. T. Chan and Ping Sheng, Science 289,1734 (2000). 13.在奈米尺度有另一重要指標﹐即表面(surface) 原子比體(bulk)原子多﹐其重要性請見本刊奈米化學。 Source: (2001/09)

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