CONSCIOUS Value-Based Parenting 基于价值的有意识子女教育

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Presentation on theme: "CONSCIOUS Value-Based Parenting 基于价值的有意识子女教育"— Presentation transcript:

1 CONSCIOUS Value-Based Parenting 基于价值的有意识子女教育

2 “Family is the first school of a child and parents are his first teachers.” “家庭是孩子的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一位老师.”

3 “The duty of parents is not just to provide a comfortable home and education but the primary responsibility of parents is to mould the character of their children.” Sathya Sai Baba ”父母的义务不仅仅在于为他们的孩子提供舒适的家庭环境和良好的教育,更在于父母塑造孩子品格的主要责任上。“ ——塞斯亚.赛.巴巴

4 What is Character? 什么是品格?

5 What are the Values? 什么是价值?

6 Five Human Values五大人文价值
Truth 真理 Love Non-Violence 非暴力 Right Conduct 正当行为 Peace 和平

7 What qualities do you want your children to have? 您期望自己的孩子具有什么样的品质?

8 What are your concerns about bringing up children in the present atmosphere? 当代社会,在养育孩子上您最关心的是什么呢?

9 What are the challenges you face as parents today
What are the challenges you face as parents today? 作为父母,您目前面临的挑战有哪些? How are they different from your own childhood? 与您自己的童年生活相比,您当前面临的挑战有哪些不同?

10 How are we, as parents, best suited to teach our children human values?

11 Parents toil to leave their children a pile of riches; but they do not teach them the proper sense of values by which they can know how little the riches are worth for genuine advancement.” 家长们一味地辛勤劳动为自己的子女留下不少的钱财,然而他们却忽略了教给自己的孩子以正确的价值观念,告诉他们如何用极少的钱财来获得真正长足的进步与发展。

12 Is our parenting “Conscious”. 我们的子女教育是“有意识的”吗
Is our parenting “Conscious”? 我们的子女教育是“有意识的”吗? Are we all the time aware of the importance of our role? 我们能始终意识到自身角色的重要性吗?

13 Modeling Appropriate Behavior 塑造恰当的行为 “Be, Do, Tell!” “是, 做, 说!”

14 5 Family Processes that correspond to 5 Human Values
五大人文价值相对应的五个家庭过程 1. Strong bond between members of family – LOVE. 连接家庭成员之间强而有力的纽带——爱。 2. Family members sharing their strengths and abilities – RIGHT CONDUUCT 家庭成员力量和能力的分享——正当行为。

15 3. Shared activities – PEACE
共同活动——和平 4. Communication – NON-VIOLENCE 交流——非暴力 5. Family’s relationship with friends and relatives – TRUTH 与亲戚朋友的关系——真理

16 Insights What have you learned or thought about in a different way during today’s workshop? Action plan What new thing are you going to try out with your family from now until the next workshop?

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