Blest Be the Tie That Binds

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1 Blest Be the Tie That Binds
以爱相连 Blest Be the Tie That Binds 生命圣诗 218 Hymns of Life 218

2 以爱相连 福哉爱主圣徒, 彼此以爱结连, 和睦相处,同心合意, 在地如同在天。 Blest Be the Tie That Binds
Our hearts in Christian love; 和睦相处,同心合意, The fellowship of kindred minds 在地如同在天。 Is like to that above. 1-V.1 生命圣诗 218 Hymns of Life 218

3 以爱相连 在父宝座面前, 同心虔诚祈祷, 同担忧惧,同得安慰, 同一盼望目标。 Blest Be the Tie That Binds
Before our Father’s throne 同心虔诚祈祷, We pour our ardent prayers; 同担忧惧,同得安慰, Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one 同一盼望目标。 Our comforts and our cares. 2-V.1 生命圣诗 218 Hymns of Life 218

4 以爱相连 彼此同当忧患, 彼此同肩重担, 彼此共洒同情眼泪, 彼此慰问劝勉。 Blest Be the Tie That Binds
We share each other’s woes, 彼此同肩重担, Our mutual burdens bear; 彼此共洒同情眼泪, And often for each other flows 彼此慰问劝勉。 The sympathizing tear. 3-V.1 生命圣诗 218 Hymns of Life 218

5 以爱相连 我们离别之时, 内心难免依依, 身虽远离,心仍契合, 希望再会有期。 Blest Be the Tie That Binds
When we asunder part, 内心难免依依, It gives us inward pain; 身虽远离,心仍契合, But we shall still be joined in heart, 希望再会有期。 And hope to meet again. 4-V.1 生命圣诗 218 Hymns of Life 218


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