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Thermodynamics of exotic black hole

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1 Thermodynamics of exotic black hole
武汉物数所理论交叉学术交流系列报告 第五十九期 Thermodynamics of exotic black hole Dr. Baocheng Zhang WIPM, CAS 2013年6月24日(周一) 上午10:30-12:00 频标楼4楼报告厅 Abstract:Since the black hole solution of three-dimensional (3D) Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant was found by Banados, Teitelboim and Zanelli (BTZ), it had been paid much attention and led to a wealth of important results on the conformal properties of gravity. In this talk, Dr.Zhang will introduce some background knowledge about 3D gravity and BTZ black hole at first. Then the exotic BTZ black hole will be explained, which has the same metric as the BTZ metric of 3D Einstein gravity but with reversed roles for mass and angular momentum, and an entropy proportional to the length of the inner horizon instead of the event horizon. Here the exotic BTZ black hole will be presented as the solution of the exotic 3D Einstein gravity with parity-odd action but Einstein field equations, and the thermodynamics will be discussed correspondingly. The first and second laws of black hole thermodynamics still apply, and the entropy still has a statistical interpretation which is the first time for the black hole entropy that is not given by Bekenstein-Hawking formula. 张保成,中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所副研究员,研究方 向为黑洞物理学、引力理论及其在类引力模型中的实现。 2010年6月毕业于中科院武汉物理与数学研究所并获得博士学 位,2010年起在该研究所冷原子组工作,其中2012年2月至8 月访问英国剑桥大学应用数学与理论物理系。曾获得中国科学 院院长奖优秀奖、美国引力论文竞赛一等奖等,近年来在黑洞 物理学、原子干涉仪以及基本引力理论方面发表SCI收录论文 十余篇。

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