G-30-6 How開頭的感嘆句.

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Presentation on theme: "G-30-6 How開頭的感嘆句."— Presentation transcript:

1 G-30-6 How開頭的感嘆句

2 活動Ⅱ:How開頭的感嘆句 全班分成2組,每組每次輪流一人站出來或站在座位上,進行口 頭搶答。
。若搶先的同學沒有答對,則由另一組回答,答對得1分。 每個題目的下一頁即為解答。 點選 即可聽此句的發音。 請老師或同學計分。 共12題 。

3 1. sweet / are / you / how 答案在 下一頁喔!

4 How sweet you are! 答案

5 2. the / is / bus / crowded / how
答案在 下一頁喔!

6 How crowded the bus is! 答案

7 3. is / busy / traffic / how / the
答案在 下一頁喔!

8 How busy the traffic is! 答案

9 4. how / was / meeting / long / the
答案在 下一頁喔!

10 How long the meeting was!

11 5. dress / how / the / soft / feels
答案在 下一頁喔!

12 How soft the dress feels!

13 6. the / small / is / how / town
答案在 下一頁喔!

14 How small the town is! 答案

15 7. hotel room / was / expensive
/ how / the 答案在 下一頁喔!

16 How expensive the hotel room was!

17 8. his / sounded / how / idea / different
答案在 下一頁喔!

18 How different his idea sounded!

19 9. grape / sour / how / tasted / the
答案在 下一頁喔!

20 How sour the grape tasted!

21 10. boyfriend / how / was / romantic
/ your 答案在 下一頁喔!

22 How romantic your boyfriend was!

23 11. cool / this / glasses / how
/ of / pair / are 答案在 下一頁喔!

24 How cool this pair of glasses are! 答案

25 12. horrible / host / how / the / looked
答案在 下一頁喔!

26 How horrible the host looked!

27 本教學內容結束

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