11 Overview Cloud Computing 2012 NTHU. CS Che-Rung Lee

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1 11 Overview Cloud Computing 2012 Fall @ NTHU. CS Che-Rung Lee 12-9-16

2 22 What is cloud computing? Multiple choice: What is cloud computing? A.A client-server architecture + the Internet B.A service deliver method for computation and storage requests C.Data center D.Online platforms and applications E.Others We have an entire semester to find out. 12-9-16

3 33 Why taking this class? Multiple choice: Why do you want to take this class? A.Research/work need B.Cloud computing = money C.Just need some credits D.Curious about the title E.Others Multiple choice: What do you expect from this class? A.An easy A+ B.An overview of the cloud computing C.Techniques used in cloud computing D.How to develop cloud applications E.How to make money from cloud computing 12-9-16

4 44 About this class Instructor: 李哲榮 (cherung@cs.nthu.edu.tw)cherung@cs.nthu.edu.tw TAs: 馬儀蔓 (yiman@sslab.cs.nthu.edu.tw) ,yiman@sslab.cs.nthu.edu.tw 黃志傑 (soem.hcc@sslab.cs.nthu.edu.tw) ,soem.hcc@sslab.cs.nthu.edu.tw 蔡議霆 (rr9919@sslab.cs.nthu.edu.tw)rr9919@sslab.cs.nthu.edu.tw Class hours: Tuesday 3:30-5:20, Thursday 3:30-4:20 Classroom: EECS 131 Textbook: Distributed and Cloud Computing, From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things, by Kai Hwang, Geoffrey Fox and Jack Dongarra. Website: (iLMS) http://lms.nthu.edu.tw/http://lms.nthu.edu.tw/ 12-9-16

5 55

6 66 Topics to cover (I) 1.Introduction to Cloud Computing and Enabling Technologies (3 week) What is Cloud Computing? and What are Not Overview of Enabling Technologies Important Issues 2.Parallel and Distributed Computing (3 weeks) Supercomputers, Clusters, and MPP Architectures Grid Architecture P2P Computing and Overlay Network Sensor Network and Internet of Things Utility Computing and Cloud Computing 12-9-16

7 77 Topics to cover (II) 3.Virtual Machines and Virtualization (3 weeks) Hypervisors CPU Virtualization Memory Virtualization I/O Devices Virtualization 4.Data Center and Cloud Management System (3 weeks) Data Center and Power Management Interconnection and Network Virtualization Storage Network and Virtualization Cloud Management Systems Cloud Security and Trust Management 12-9-16

8 88 Topics to cover (III) 5.Cloud Programming and Software Environments (3 weeks) Features of Cloud and Grid Platforms Parallel and Distributed Programming Paradigms MapReduce and Hadoop File System NOSQL Database 6.Service Oriented Architectures (3 weeks) Services and Service Oriented Architectures Message-Oriented Middleware Portals and Science Gateways Discovery, Registries, Metadata, and Databases 12-9-16

9 99 Grading Three assignments: (60%) Web portal for VM acquisition Virtual machine experience Distributed file systems Final project (30%) Paper reading and report A list of papers will be given. Find one you like to read and write presentation. Other related papers not on the list is also usable for the final project, but with my permission. Class participation (10%) Questions? 12-9-16

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