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跨國辯論社 International Debate Club

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Presentation on theme: "跨國辯論社 International Debate Club"— Presentation transcript:

1 跨國辯論社 International Debate Club
Taiwan˙Lingjhou E.S. Singapore˙Hougang E.S. Australia˙Middle Ridge State School

2 Please accept our invitation
1.用最生活化的例子 從生活中找證據 2.請使用您的母語交流 但是請放慢速度

3 問:老舊物品一定要丟棄? Q:Should old things/items be dumped?
我們的題目是….. 問:老舊物品一定要丟棄? Q:Should old things/items be dumped?

4 <苓洲正方Lingjhou Government>
我贊成 老舊物品要丟棄 ,因為…… I affirm that old things should be dumped because.... 舊的不去 新的不來 Out with the old, in with the new.

5 舉例:苓洲的校舍 Example: the school building
校舍老舊、危險 Old school buildings endanger our life

6 舉例:苓洲的校舍 Example: School building
拆除舊校舍,才能興建新校舍 With old building torn down, new buildings are put up.

7 <苓洲反方Lingjhou Opposition >
我反對 老舊物品要丟棄 ,因為…… I am against throwing away the old things because... 舊的物品有歷史價值,值得 保存 Old things of historical value are worthy of preservation.

8 Example:打狗文史再興會社 the building of Takao Renaissance Association
房子近100歲了,見證歷史! A 100-year-old house witness the history!

9 舉例(二):老房子變書店 Example2: Old houses turned into a bookstore
50多歲的 老房子重生 Rebirth of a 50-year-old house

10 后港,您的想法呢? 簡報接力賽 The Idea Relay of Hougang
請將您的看法錄影下來,分享給大家 最後,我們再完成網路問卷調查交換意見~ Please relay your ideas and share with the community. Finally please fill in the on-line questionaire. Thank You~

11 <后港正方Hougang Government>
我贊成 老舊物品要丟棄 ,因為…… I affirm that old things should be dumped because....

12 舉例:OOO <Argument 1> Please give an example.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

13 舉例:OOO <Argument 2> Please give more pictures.

14 舉例:OOO

15 <后港反方Hougang Opposition>
我反對 老舊物品要丟棄 ,因為…… I am against throwing away the old things because...

16 舉例:OOO <Argument 1> Please give an example.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

17 舉例:OOO <Argument 2> Please give more pictures.

18 舉例:OOO

19 中嶺,您的想法呢? 簡報接力賽 The Idea Relay of Middle Ridge
請將您的看法錄影下來,分享給大家 最後,我們再完成網路問卷調查交換意見~ Please relay your ideas and share with the community. Finally please fill in the on-line questionaire. Thank You~

20 <中嶺正方Middle Ridge Government>
我贊成 老舊物品要丟棄 ,因為…… I affirm that old things should be dumped because....

21 舉例:OOO <Argument 1> Please give an example.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

22 舉例:OOO <Argument 2> Please give more pictures.

23 舉例:OOO

24 <中嶺反方Middle Ridge Opposition>
我反對 老舊物品要丟棄 ,因為…… I am against throwing away the old things because...

25 舉例:OOO <Argument 1> Please give an example.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

26 舉例:OOO <Argument 2> Please give more pictures.

27 策略學習單 Tools for Thinking






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