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三博士行程自東方, 攜帶禮物遠道前往; 經過田野江河山岡, 跟隨景星明光。

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Presentation on theme: "三博士行程自東方, 攜帶禮物遠道前往; 經過田野江河山岡, 跟隨景星明光。"— Presentation transcript:

1 三博士行程自東方, 攜帶禮物遠道前往; 經過田野江河山岡, 跟隨景星明光。
#94 東方三博士/ We Three Kings of Orient Are 三博士行程自東方, 攜帶禮物遠道前往; 經過田野江河山岡, 跟隨景星明光。 We three kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar, Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star.

2 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。
〔副歌〕 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。 (Chorus) O, star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect light. A-men

3 2. 新生王降生伯利恆, 奉獻金冕賀祂為王; 掌握權柄治理萬邦, 世人蒙祂恩光。
#94 東方三博士/ We Three Kings of Orient Are 2. 新生王降生伯利恆, 奉獻金冕賀祂為王; 掌握權柄治理萬邦, 世人蒙祂恩光。 2. Born a King on Bethlehim’s plain, God I bring to crown Him again, King forever, ceasing never Over us all to reign.

4 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。
〔副歌〕 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。 (Chorus) O, star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect light. A-men

5 3. 我今獻上乳香奇珍, 認識真神常與親近; 願萬人來禱告頌讚, 敬拜天上真神。
#94 東方三博士/ We Three Kings of Orient Are 3. 我今獻上乳香奇珍, 認識真神常與親近; 願萬人來禱告頌讚, 敬拜天上真神。 3. Frankincense to offer have I, Incense owns a Deity nigh; Prayer and praising all men raising, Worship Him, God on high.

6 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。
〔副歌〕 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。 (Chorus) O, star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect light. A-men

7 4. 沒藥味苦卻發芳香, 為主裹纏身體創傷; 憂愁嘆息流血死亡, 在墳墓裡埋葬。
#94 東方三博士/ We Three Kings of Orient Are 4. 沒藥味苦卻發芳香, 為主裹纏身體創傷; 憂愁嘆息流血死亡, 在墳墓裡埋葬。 4. Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume Breathes a life a gathering gloom; Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.

8 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。
〔副歌〕 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。 (Chorus) O, star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect light. A-men

9 5. 救主犧牲今已復活, 榮耀真神至高君王; 哈利路亞哈利路亞! 世人天使同唱。
#94 東方三博士/ We Three Kings of Orient Are 5. 救主犧牲今已復活, 榮耀真神至高君王; 哈利路亞哈利路亞! 世人天使同唱。 5. Glorious now behold Him arise, King and God and Sacrifice; Alleluia, Alleluia! Sounds thru the earth and skies.

10 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。
〔副歌〕 啊,奇妙星夜放輝煌, 發出燦爛大光芒, 帶領我們步向西方, 直到見主完全光。 (Chorus) O, star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect light. A-men

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