站立在神話語的信實上面, 我要讚美祂的榮耀無窮盡! 因信舉目透過重幔直達最高天; 遙見救主慈愛面容,喜樂滿我心。

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Presentation on theme: "站立在神話語的信實上面, 我要讚美祂的榮耀無窮盡! 因信舉目透過重幔直達最高天; 遙見救主慈愛面容,喜樂滿我心。"— Presentation transcript:

1 站立在神話語的信實上面, 我要讚美祂的榮耀無窮盡! 因信舉目透過重幔直達最高天; 遙見救主慈愛面容,喜樂滿我心。
H433 站立在神話語的信實上面 STANDING ON THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD’S OWN WORD (節1/4, 頁1/2) 站立在神話語的信實上面, Standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word, 我要讚美祂的榮耀無窮盡! I shall praise His endless glory evermore. 因信舉目透過重幔直達最高天; For by faith thru heavy veils the highest heaven I see, 遙見救主慈愛面容,喜樂滿我心。 From afar His loving face brings floods of joy to me.

2 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! 這裏就是最高祕密天!
H433 (節1/4, 頁2/2副) 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; Standing, standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 Resting, Resting on the promise of His power and might. 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Hallelujah, Hallelujah! 這裏就是最高祕密天! Here I find the heavenly secret heights. 2

3 站立在神話語的信實上面, 我要讚美祂的能力無窮盡! 血灑約言永不搖移,神話成利劍; 砍斷一切不信鎖鍊,榮耀歸主名。
H433 (節2/4, 頁1/2) 站立在神話語的信實上面, Standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word, 我要讚美祂的能力無窮盡! I shall praise His endless power evermore. 血灑約言永不搖移,神話成利劍; Sprinkled by the blood, His word is living, sharp and firm. 砍斷一切不信鎖鍊,榮耀歸主名。 Broken are my chains of doubt, O glory to His name. 3

4 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! 這裏就是最高祕密天!
H433 (節2/4, 頁2/2副) 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; Standing, standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 Resting, Resting on the promise of His power and might. 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Hallelujah, Hallelujah! 這裏就是最高祕密天! Here I find the heavenly secret heights. 4

5 站立在神話語的信實上面, 我要讚美祂的慈愛無窮盡! 靠主寶血我蒙恩寵,常近祂身邊; 慈繩愛索深繫我心,與主永相連。
H433 (節3/4, 頁1/2) 站立在神話語的信實上面, Standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word, 我要讚美祂的慈愛無窮盡! I shall praise His endless mercy evermore. 靠主寶血我蒙恩寵,常近祂身邊; By His blood and through His grace, drawn near His side I'd be. 慈繩愛索深繫我心,與主永相連。 Cords of love do bind my heart to Him eternally! 5

6 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! 這裏就是最高祕密天!
H433 (節3/4, 頁2/2副) 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; Standing, standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 Resting, Resting on the promise of His power and might. 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Hallelujah, Hallelujah! 這裏就是最高祕密天! Here I find the heavenly secret heights. 6

7 站立在神話語的信實上面, 我要讚美祂的道路無窮盡! 時刻儆醒,緊隨聖靈,直到過約但; 傷痛得醫,仇敵失蹤,抵家樂無盡。
H433 (節4/4, 頁1/2) 站立在神話語的信實上面, Standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word, 我要讚美祂的道路無窮盡! I shall praise His endless path for evermore. 時刻儆醒,緊隨聖靈,直到過約但; Ever watchful in Him till I'll cross the Jordan's tide; 傷痛得醫,仇敵失蹤,抵家樂無盡。 Gone my pain and foes when I shall reach my home sweet home. 7

8 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! 這裏就是最高祕密天!
H433 (節4/4, 頁2/2副) 站立,站立在神話語的信實上面; Standing, standing on the faithfulness of God's own Word; 安息,安息在神應許的能力上面。 Resting, Resting on the promise of His power and might. 哈利路亞,哈利路亞! Hallelujah, Hallelujah! 這裏就是最高祕密天! Here I find the heavenly secret heights. 8

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