H404 與祢合一 ONE WITH THEE (節1/4, 頁1/2)

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1 H404 與祢合一 ONE WITH THEE (節1/4, 頁1/2)
與祢合一,永遠之子, One with Thee, Thou Son eternal, 因信與祢成一靈; Joined by faith inspirit one, 得祢包羅萬有的死, Share we in Thy death inclusive 和非受造的生命。 And Thy life, O God the Son. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

2 與祢合一,蒙愛之子, 藉恩成為祢一部; 與祢同為父的後嗣, 並作聖靈的房屋。
H404 (節1/4, 頁2/2) 與祢合一,蒙愛之子, One with Thee, Thou Son beloved, 藉恩成為祢一部; Part of Thee become thru grace, 與祢同為父的後嗣, Heirs with Thee of our one Father, 並作聖靈的房屋。 We're Thy Spirit's dwelling place. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 2

3 與祢合一,化身之子, 作祢奧秘的肢體; 因祢誕生與祢連枝, 與祢一同客此地。
H404 (節2/4, 頁1/2) 與祢合一,化身之子, One with Thee, Thou Son incarnate, 作祢奧秘的肢體; Born with Thee, the Man of worth, 因祢誕生與祢連枝, We, the members of Thy body, 與祢一同客此地。 Sojourn with Thee here on earth. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 3

4 與祢合一,受膏之子, 同得聖靈的能力; 日復一日,時復一時, 與祢合作不稍離。
H404 (節2/4, 頁2/2) 與祢合一,受膏之子, One with Thee, Thou Son anointed, 同得聖靈的能力; Sharing too the Spirit's power, 日復一日,時復一時, We in full cooperation 與祢合作不稍離。 Labor with Thee hour by hour. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 4

5 與祢合一,被棄之子, 經過審判和咒詛; 永遠同祢向罪而死, 並勝兇惡的陰府。
H404 (節3/4, 頁1/2) 與祢合一,被棄之子, One With Thee, Thou Son forsaken, 經過審判和咒詛; Judgment and the curse we've passed; 永遠同祢向罪而死, We to sin are dead forever, 並勝兇惡的陰府。 Hell beneath our feet is cast. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 5

6 與祢合一,復活之子, 脫離墳墓的埋沒; 因祢更生,同祢更始, 靠祢逐日結義果。 One with Thee in resurrection,
Death can never us oppress; 因祢更生,同祢更始, Live we in Thy new creation, 靠祢逐日結義果。 Bearing fruits of righteousness. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 6

7 與祢合一,升天之子, 同登寶座來管治; 祢的權柄我也掌執, 因我和祢同位置。
H404 (節4/4, 頁1/2) 與祢合一,升天之子, One with Thee, Thou Son ascended, 同登寶座來管治; Seated with Thee on the throne, 祢的權柄我也掌執, Thine authority we share and 因我和祢同位置。 Rule with Thee, Thy rank our own. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 7

8 與祢合一,再來之子, 同得榮耀同臨世; 那時都要顯祢殊姿, 與祢合一無已時。
H404 (節4/4, 頁2/2) 與祢合一,再來之子, One with Thee, Thou Son returning, 同得榮耀同臨世; Glorified with Thee we'll be, 那時都要顯祢殊姿, Ever to manifest Thy beauty, 與祢合一無已時。 One with Thee eternally. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 8

9 治死的十字架 The Cross That Put to Death Our Sinful Nature
羅 8:12 弟兄們、這樣看來、我們並不是欠肉體的債、去順從肉體活著。13 你們若順從肉體活著必要死.若靠著聖靈治死身體的惡行必要活著。 Rom 8:12 Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation--but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. 13 For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live,

10 治死的十字架 The Cross That Put to Death Our Sinful Nature
加 5:16 我說、你們當順著聖靈而行、就不放縱肉體的情慾了。17 因為情慾和聖靈相爭、聖靈和情慾相爭.這兩個是彼此相敵、使你們不能作所願意作的。 Gal 5:16 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 17 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.

11 治死的十字架 The Cross That Put to Death Our Sinful Nature
加 5:24 凡屬基督耶穌的人、是已經把肉體、連肉體的邪情私慾、同釘在十字架上了。25 我們若是靠聖靈得生、就當靠聖靈行事。 Gal 5:24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

12 治死的十字架 The Cross That Put to Death Our Sinful Nature
加 6:14 但我斷不以別的誇口、只誇我們主耶穌基督的十字架.因這十字架、就我而論、世界已經釘在十字架上.就世界而論、我已經釘在十字架上。15 受割禮不受割禮、都無關緊要、要緊的就是作新造的人。17 從今以後、人都不要攪擾我.因為我身上帶著耶穌的印記。 Gal 6:14 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation. 17 Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

13 治死的十字架 The Cross That Put to Death Our Sinful Nature
伯 14:7 樹若被砍下、還可指望發芽、嫩枝生長不息、8 其根雖然衰老在地裏、榦也死在土中‧9及至得了水氣、還要發芽、又長枝條、像新栽的樹一樣。 Job 14:7 "At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. 8 Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, 9 yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.

14 治死的十字架 The Cross That Put to Death Our Sinful Nature
一、靠著聖靈治死你們肉體的行為 1. By the Spirit put to death the misdeeds of the body  二、聖靈的慾和肉體的慾與我們憑聖靈行事 2. Desire of Holy Spirit and Desire of Sinful Nature. We live by the Spirit 三、屬主的人已經把肉體的邪情私慾釘在十字架上 3. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature

15 治死的十字架 The Cross That Put to Death Our Sinful Nature
四、只誇主耶穌基督的十字架 —世界與我都已經釘在十字架上 4. Boast only the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ  — Both the world and I have been crucified 五、要緊的是作新造的人與我身上帶著耶穌的印記 5. What counts is a new creation and I bear on my body the marks of Jesus

16 聖徒交通 Announcements 一、敬請參加教會週間的各聚會: 週二晚間七時半 禱告聚會 (神的工作由教會禱告開始)
週二晚間七時半 禱告聚會 (神的工作由教會禱告開始) 週三上午十時 姊妹聚會 (在教會住房) 週五晚間七時半 讀經聚會 (箴言中的錢財) (本週四晚間沒有讀經預查,週五將請梁弟兄先有交通再分組。請弟兄姐妹每天閱讀箴言書。) 二、這週飯食和整潔的服事是羅蘭分家。

17 聖徒交通 Announcements 三、今天下午愛筵後在正堂將有詩班的交通與練習,在副堂將有詩歌學唱,邀請弟兄姊妹一同留下參加。
四、下主日(8/30)將舉行福音聚會,內容有見證分享, 梁家聲弟兄傳福音,請大家邀約親友來參加。 五、九月五日(週六)將在西區會所舉行一日培靈聚會,主題為神的呼召,請弟兄姊妹預留時間參加。

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