住在主裡面 Abide in The Lord (2) 1.

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Presentation on theme: "住在主裡面 Abide in The Lord (2) 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 住在主裡面 Abide in The Lord (2) 1

2 前言 Introduction 詩篇 Psalms 27:4 2

3 I) 尋求主面的障礙 The obstacles of
seeking the face of the Lord a. 不聖潔 Unholiness (希伯來書 Hebrews 12:14) b. 罪孽和隱惡 Iniquities and secret sins (詩篇 Psalms 90:8) c. 不信的惡心 The evil heart of unbelief (希伯來書 Hebrews 3:12)

4 2) 除去障礙之路 The way to remove the
obstacles a. 知罪 (蒙光照) Acknowledgment of sin (being enlightened) (詩篇 Psalms 51:2,3)

5 b. 認罪 Confession (詩篇 Psalms 51:4,17)
c. 赦罪 Forgiveness of sins (約翰一書 1 John 1:9; 詩篇 Psalms 51:11-12)

6 3) 竭力進入那安息 Be diligent to enter that rest (希伯來書 Hebrews 4:11)
Knowing God’s way and entering into His rest (希伯來書 Hebrews 3:7-11; 4:3,10; 出埃及記 Exodus 33:11)

7 b. 看見天上神寶座的異像 Seeing the vision
of the throne of God in heaven (林後 2 Cor. 12:2; 啟世錄 Rev. 4:1,2; 以賽亞書 Isa. 6:1) c. 認識神坐在寶座上,神的旨意不改變 Knowing that God is sitting on the throne, and His purpose will never change (約伯 記 42:1,2,5,6)

8 4) 過一個預備主再來的生活 Live a life to
prepare for the coming again of the Lord a. 趁著還有今日 While it is called “Today” (希伯來書 Hebrews 3:13) b. 儆醒,預備 Be watchful and prepared (馬太福音 Matthew 24:36-39, 約翰壹書 1 John 2:28)

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