Unit3 Is Truth Out There?.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit3 Is Truth Out There?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit3 Is Truth Out There?

2 introduce What is extraterrestrial? Categories Do they really exist?
What did they do to human beings?

3 2009.Aguest.Crop Cicle


5 2004年4月22日 2004/4/22 2004/5/5 2004/5/15

6 2004/5/18 2004/5/19

7 UFO? 1951/11/23,took in加利福尼亞州 Witness claimed that the thing in
the sky was UFO. 1978/12/27 took in阿根廷

8 a family trip’s picture
In 2005 a family trip’s picture 2003/2,took in 威斯康星州。 In 1996 A military helicopter was chasing a UFO in 佛羅里達州 1993/3/10 took in 澳大利亞馬斯林 Witness said that this object was rising from sea level.

9 1952/7/19 1981/10/8,took in 溫哥華島。 In 1990 a reporter took in 英國威爾特郡 1989/3/10 took in巴西里約熱內盧。

10 1957/10/16/, took in 墨西哥州 aboriginal area In1952 took in華盛頓 1954/12/10,took in 西西裏島 1964/6/10 took in America somewhere

11 Alien?


13 information Alien????? Et'S BABY IN

14 Flim 2009年4月27日,巴基斯坦上空UFO http://www.ufo.org.tw/news/2009/051009-1.htm
麥田(24) 台中 巴基斯坦出現四英吋外星人?

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