Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

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Presentation on theme: "Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天"— Presentation transcript:

1 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
Celebrate the day, celebrate the life. 來慶賀今天,來慶賀生命。 Celebrate the joy of our faith in Christ. 來慶賀我們因信基督而來的喜樂。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

2 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
Celebrate the joy of our faith in Christ. 來慶賀我們因信基督而來的喜樂。 Remember all the blessings, the blessings of the day. 請記得祝福,每一天的祝福。 Be thankful for the very gift of breath and life. 請感謝恩賜,賜予生命和氣息。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

3 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
Remember all the goodness, and mercies of the Lord, 請記得恩主的良善,並祂的憐憫。 And fill the morning with the sounds of praise and joy! 讓讚美和喜樂的聲音充滿清晨! Celebrate the day, celebrate the life. 來慶賀今天,來慶賀生命。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

4 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
Celebrate the joy of our faith in Christ. 來慶賀我們因信基督而來的喜樂。 Celebrate the day, celebrate the life. 來慶賀今天,來慶賀生命。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

5 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
We’ll bless your name forever, for great are you, Lord. 我們要稱頌祢的名直到永遠,因祢的名為大。 And ev’ry generation will declare your mighty works. 萬世萬代要宣揚祢的作爲。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

6 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
We sing of Your great goodness, Your holy righteousness. 我們要歌唱祢的宏偉良善,祢的聖潔公義。 Your glory of Your Kingdom reigns forever, forevermore. 祢國度的榮耀要做王直到永永遠遠。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

7 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
讓我們來慶賀今天,來慶賀生命。 Celebrate the joy of our faith in Christ. 來慶賀我們因信基督而來的喜樂。 Celebrate the day, celebrate the life. 來慶賀今天,來慶賀生命。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

8 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天
Celebrate the joy of our life in Christ. 來慶賀我們因信基督而來的喜樂。 Celebrate the Day 來慶賀今天

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