Christ was born in Beth-le-hem,

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Presentation on theme: "Christ was born in Beth-le-hem,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ was born in Beth-le-hem,
來讚美 Come and Praise 1-1. 基督降生伯利恆 哈利路亞 Christ was born in Beth-le-hem, Hal-le-lu-jah! 神愛子道成肉身 哈利路亞 Son of God and Son of Man, 1/12 教會聖詩#108

2 He grew up an earth-ly child, Of the world but un-de-filed,
1-2. 降生成為一嬰孩 哈利路亞 He grew up an earth-ly child, Hal-le-lu-jah! 來世界但不敗壞 哈利路亞 Of the world but un-de-filed, 2/12

3 “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X)
副歌 (Refr.) 1-3. “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X) 3/12

4 As a man He toiled and taught, And in love our souls He sought,
2 2-1. 成為人子受勞苦 哈利路亞 As a man He toiled and taught, Hal-le-lu-jah! 以愛尋人得救贖 哈利路亞 And in love our souls He sought, 4/12

5 He His Fa-ther’s will de-fined, com-bined, Hal-le-lu-jah!
2-2. 完成天父的旨意 哈利路亞 He His Fa-ther’s will de-fined, Hal-le-lu-jah! 滿有恩典與真理 哈利路亞 Grace and truth in Him com-bined, Hal-le-lu-jah! 5/12

6 “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X)
副歌 (Refr.) 2-3. “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X) 6/12

7 Je-sus di-ed at Cal-va-ry, Ro-se a-gain tri-um-phant-ly,
3 3-1. 救主捨命各各他 哈利路亞 Je-sus di-ed at Cal-va-ry, Hal-le-lu-jah! 從死復活回父家 哈利路亞 Ro-se a-gain tri-um-phant-ly, 7/12

8 Thru the gift of His own blood, Re-con-ci-ling us to God,
3-2. 寶血流出賜世人 哈利路亞 Thru the gift of His own blood, Hal-le-lu-jah! 世人因此蒙神恩 哈利路亞 Re-con-ci-ling us to God, 8/12

9 “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X)
副歌 (Refr.) 3-3. “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X) 9/12

10 He will cleanse us from our sin, If we come by faith to Him,
4 4-1. 主能洗清我罪污 哈利路亞 He will cleanse us from our sin, Hal-le-lu-jah! 只要全心信靠主 哈利路亞 If we come by faith to Him, 10/12

11 那日必與主相見 哈利路亞 永遠同住在高天 哈利路亞
4-2. 那日必與主相見 哈利路亞 Then we’ll live with Him some day, Hal-le-lu-jah! 永遠同住在高天 哈利路亞 And forever with Him stay, Hal-le-lu-jah! 11/12

12 “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X)
副歌 (Refr.) 4-3. “來讚美救主我王 哈利路亞” Come and praise the Lord our King, Hal-le-lu-jah! (2X) 12/12

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