Holy, holy, holy is Your name, O Lord. Holy, holy, holy is Your name.

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Presentation on theme: "Holy, holy, holy is Your name, O Lord. Holy, holy, holy is Your name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holy, holy, holy is Your name, O Lord. Holy, holy, holy is Your name.
聖哉,聖哉,主,祢的名為聖 . (1) Holy is your name

2 Some will call You Master, Counselor and Friend.
Some will say the Prophet or the Lamb. You are Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. You are Son of God and Son of Man. 有人稱祢為主人,為策士和朋友 有人說祢是先知或神的羔羊 祢是首先的,是末後的,祢是初,也是終 祢是神的兒子也是人子 . (2) Holy is your name

3 O Lord, we praise You, and we exalt You.
We proclaim You King for evermore. At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord. 主,我們讚美祢,高舉祢的名 宣告祢是永遠的君王 因耶穌的名萬膝要跪拜,萬口要承認祢是主 (3) Holy is your name

4 Some may call You Teacher, some, the One True Light,
Prince of Peace and Savior of the World. You’re the Rock of our salvation; the Way, the Truth, the Life. You are Lord of all; You are the Word. 有人稱祢為老師,有人說祢是那真光 祢是和平的君,世界的救主 祢是我們救恩的磐石,祢是道路,真理和生命 祢是萬有之主,是太初之道 (4) Holy is your name

5 O Lord, we praise You, and we exalt You.
We proclaim You King for evermore. At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord. 主,我們讚美祢,高舉祢的名 宣告祢是永遠的君王 因耶穌的名萬膝要跪拜,萬口要承認祢是主 . (5) Holy is your name

6 Holy, holy, holy is Your name, O Lord. Holy, holy, holy is Your name.
Lord, we praise You, and we exalt You. We proclaim You King for evermore. At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord. You are Lord. You are Lord. Praise the Lord! 聖哉,聖哉,主,祢的名為聖 主,我們讚美祢,高舉祢的名,宣告祢是永遠的君王 因耶穌的名萬膝要跪拜,萬口要承認祢是主 讚美主! . (6) Holy is your name

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