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Unit2 A new student.

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1 Unit2 A new student

2 Sam和Bobby来到Nancy的新学校参观,他们会问Nancy哪些问题呢?发挥一下你的想象吧!
Tip:Is /Are there--- in your school? How many--- are there in your school?

3 I Where's the...? Where're the...? It's on the... They're on the...
Tip: 同桌相互问答, 一人扮演Bobby, 另一人扮演Nancy. I Where's the...? Where're the...? It's on the... They're on the...

4 swing Where are Sam and Bobby now? 秋千 Look! There's a _____.
Let's go and play!

5 Where is Sam now? Push(推) me, Bobby! You're so heavy(重的), Sam!

6 Stop(停下), Sam! It's too high(高的)!

7 lives(住在) in the UK(英国)
first floor ground floor in the US (美国) second floor first floor 二楼 一楼

8 football 足球 soccer autumn 秋天 fall sweet 糖果 candy rubber 橡皮 eraser
Some words have different names in the UK and the US. (有一些词在英国和美国的叫法不一样) football 足球 soccer autumn 秋天 fall sweet 糖果 candy rubber 橡皮 eraser toilet 厕所 restroom

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