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Evergreen Education Foundation

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1 Evergreen Education Foundation

What is the Model? 什么是成功模式 How and where was it developed? 模式是如何成形的, 并在哪里发展的? How Effective is the Model and what are the Challenges? 模式的有效性及所面临的挑战 What Next? 下一步计划

3 About EVERGREEN 青树的历史 Goal is to help rural China establish modern libraries 宗旨是帮助中国乡村建立现代化图书馆 Started 6 years ago by overseas Chinese professionals and American friends in San Francisco 6 年前由旧金山海外侨胞和美国朋友成立 .

4 Our First Library in Qinghai
青树第一个图书馆:青海大通第六中 Our First Library in Qinghai

5 Open Stacks 开架阅览 Students Helping 学生们都来帮忙

6 Using Library Management Software for Circulation of Books
Accessing the Internet 上网浏览 Using Library Management Software for Circulation of Books 用专业软件 管理书籍流通

7 Providing Programs for Students I 为学生提供的 服务项目(一)
Computer Workshops 计算机操作与使用 Book Exhibitions, Competitions, Reciprocal Learning Projects 图书展览,征文比赛, 交互式的学习项目

8 Providing Programs for Students II 为学生提供的服务项目(二)
Soil Testing: Chemistry Classes in TongWei YiZhong in Gansu has gone out to the farms, collect soil samples, test for acidity, then return to the farms to inform the farmers on the right fertilizers to use for their particular soil condition. 土壤测试: 甘肃通渭一中的同学们利用化学课上所学知识, 深入田间采集土壤样本,测量酸碱度,然后 根据结果,向农民建议使用正确的肥料。

9 Providing Workshops for Teachers and Librarians 为教师和图书管理员办讲座

10 Expanding Our Services – to Families of Students 服务拓展到学生家长
Reaching OUT: Grandparents Reading Program 走出去: 爷爷奶奶也来读书 Inviting Families IN 请进来: 请家长进图书馆

11 Expanding Services to Farms: 服务拓展到农场
Our Barefoot Librarians Visiting Farms in Qinghai 青海赤脚图书管理员深入田间

12 Building Satellite Book Stations 建立卫星图书站
We have 2 book stations at local farms and 1 book station at an agricultural technology development zone 2个图书站当地农村, 1个在农业科技园区社

13 Providing Information and Documenting Biogas Program generated by Pig Manure 为农村社区提供的服务项目: 沼气

14 Expanding Services: Training Programs for Farmers 延展服务: 为农民提供农用培训

15 Expanding to Public Libraries 延伸到公共图书馆
Evergreen Supports public libraries 青树支持了4个公共图书馆 2 in Gansu 甘肃2个 1 in Shaanxi 陕西1个 1 in Yunnan 云南1个

16 Our Model: Building Library Clusters 成功模式: 构建图书馆群落
Agricultural Technology Development Zone 农业科技园区社 Evergreen High School Library Center 青树高中图书中心 Book Stations at Other Middle or Elementary schools 中小学图书站 Local Public Library 公共图书馆 Farms 农村

17 Qinghai 青海: Gansu 甘肃: Shaanxi 陕西: JiangSu 江苏: Yunnan 云南: Guizhou 贵州:
Datong 大通 GongHe 共和 Li Jia Shan 李家山 Gansu 甘肃: TianZhu 天祝 TongWei 通渭 HuiNing 会宁 Shaanxi 陕西: Danfeng 丹凤 Puchen浦成 JiangSu 江苏: Dongtai 东台 HuaiYin 淮阴 Yunnan 云南: Shidian 施甸 Zhongdian中甸 Guizhou 贵州: Zhen Yuan 振远 Zhen Hua 振华 Beijing 北京: HeBei 河北 AnNing 安宁 Sunvillage 太阳村

18 Success: Our Scholarship Student Graduated from Normal University and is now a teacher. Neither her parents nor her 4 older sisters have ever attended schools 青树成效: 马玉燕青海省湟中县李家山镇李家山中学,马玉燕曾经领取青树奖学金,现已从师范大学毕业并成为一名教师。

19 We started to support him 邱 晗
Success: Our Scholarship Student admitted this year to Tsing Hua University, the first from his school. We started to support him 邱 晗 in the 9th grade 青海省大通县六中

20 ITIE2006 Conference in Kunming ITIE2004 Conference in Beijing
Hosted 2 International Conferences for teachers and Librarians 为教师和图书管理员举办二届国际会议 ITIE2006 Conference in Kunming ITIE2004 Conference in Beijing

21 Partnering with Other Foundations 与其它基金会的合作
We Computerized a 5000 student high school library for the Soar Education Foundation and provided workshops for their librarians. 帮助树华基金会为一座5000人的高中图书馆实现了计算机化,并培训其馆员 We are advising Shin Shin Education Foundation on developing their library program for 300 elementary schools 帮助欣欣基金会规划其图书室项目:为300所乡村小学建立图书室 We are exploring joint projects with Read Nepal on doing renewable energy projects. 与”READ泥泊尔”合作再生能源项目

22 We Received the 2004 Access to Learning Award from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 青树荣获2004年盖茨基金会ATLA大奖

23 Perform Assessment Activities 实效评估
CHALLENGES: 面临挑战 Perform Assessment Activities 实效评估 Collect and Analyze Reliable Data 收集和分析可靠数据 Determine How to Measure Impact 决定如何衡量实际影响

24 CHALLENGES: 面临挑战 To Continue and Expand our Programs keeping our Volunteer Organizational Format and with Low Overhead Operation Expenses. (At present it is less than 5% of Total Budget.) 继续拓展现有计划: 保持义工组织形式和超低成本运营 (目前低于总预算的5%) To Be Able to Continue to Ensure that our funds and efforts reach our targets in China and not be sidetracked along the way. 继续保持资金来源,努力在中国实现既定标目而不被干扰

25 What Next? 下一步计划 Organize Training programs for our librarians
为图书管理员提供培训 School “librarians” in Rural China have no formal training 中国乡村图书管理员通常没有正规的培训 Organize 2008 Conference 组织08年国际会议 Find additional funding sources 寻求更多的资金来源 Organize a Mentorship Program for Rural Librarians 组织乡村图书管理员的辅导项目 Expand Programs on Renewable & Alternative Energy 发展再生和替代能源项目 Expand Programs for Students 进一步拓展学生的实践项目

26 Thank you!

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