Strength and honor give to His holy name

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Presentation on theme: "Strength and honor give to His holy name"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strength and honor give to His holy name
[1/6] Praise Him! Praise Him! 尊貴 榮耀 都歸主聖善名 Strength and honor give to His holy name

2 Praise Him praise Him ever in joyful song
[2/6] 讚美 讚美 歡唱直到萬代 Praise Him praise Him ever in joyful song

3 Hail Him hail Him Jesus the Crucified
[3/6] 讚美 讚美 耶穌被釘君王 Hail Him hail Him Jesus the Crucified

4 Praise Him praise Him ever in joyful song
[4/6] 讚美 讚美 歡唱直到萬代 Praise Him praise Him ever in joyful song

5 Prophet and Priest and King
[5/6] 加冕上主先知祭司牧長 Prophet and Priest and King

6 Praise Him praise Him ever in joyful song
[6/6] 讚美 讚美 歡唱直到萬代 Praise Him praise Him ever in joyful song

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