你是我永远的救主 出自 王子音乐 专辑 《看见》

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Presentation on theme: "你是我永远的救主 出自 王子音乐 专辑 《看见》"— Presentation transcript:

1 你是我永远的救主 出自 王子音乐 专辑 《看见》
You Are My Forever Savior

2 我看见祂 钉痕的手 我看见祂 血为我流 背着十架 步履蹒跚 向各各他行走
I saw the nail marks on His hands, I saw Him bleeding for me Carrying the Cross on His back, and staggering He stumbled on the way to Golgotha

3 为了赎我 祂无怨尤 为了救我 祂来蒙羞 讥笑辱骂 赤身露体 祂默默承受
To redeem me He had no resentment To save me He was put into shame Mocked, insulted, stripped naked, He suffered in silence, did not open His mouth

4 祂是我的主 为我钉在十架上 我的罪孽过犯 祂全为我担当
He is my Lord, nailed on the cross on my behalf He took up my sins and transgressions, He bore my iniquities

5 祂是我的主 为我钉在十架上 祂甘愿舍命 是神所预备的羔羊
He is my Lord, nailed on the cross for my sins He willingly offered up His life He was the sacrificial Lamb prepared by God

6 我看见祂 钉痕的手 我看见祂 血为我流 背着十架 步履蹒跚 向各各他行走
I saw the nail marks on His hands, I saw Him bleeding for me Carrying the Cross on His back, and staggering He stumbled on the way to Golgotha

7 为了赎我 祂无怨尤 为了救我 祂来蒙羞 讥笑辱骂 赤身露体 祂默默承受
To redeem me He had no resentment To save me He was put into shame Mocked, insulted, stripped naked, He suffered in silence, did not open His mouth

8 祂是我的主 为我钉在十架上 我的罪孽过犯 祂全为我担当
He is my Lord, nailed on the cross for me. My sins He paid in full

9 他是我的主 为我钉在十架上 我甘愿顺服 因祢是永远的救主
He is my Lord, nailed on the cross for my sins I want to surrender and obey for You are my forever Savior

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