Operating System Software School of SCU

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1 Operating System Software School of SCU
About this course

2 Chapter 0: Introduction
0.1 Administrivia 0.2 Syllabus 0.3 Teaching Strategies 0.4 Some Suggestion

3 0.1 Administrivia (1/8) 教师姓名:舒莉 联系方式 : 助教:侯伟栋 教学网站: 电话:13808009510
助教:侯伟栋 教学网站: cc.scu.edu.cn swjx.scu.edu.cn,选课密码:SLOS

4 0.1 Administrivia (2/8) Credit: 4 Courses: 64 (4 * 16 weeks)
48: Theory and Principal 16: Lab

5 0.1 Administrivia (3/8) Grade final:(50% ) assignment:(50% ) lab
exercise class multiple choice quiz attendence

6 0.1 Administrivia (4/8) Prerequisite Assembly Language
Principles of Computer Organization Lab Linux C/C++ Data Structure

7 0.1 Administrivia (5/8) Textbook
《Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles》 William Stallings. (8th Edition). 操作系统精髓与设计原理 电子工业出版社,2017

8 0.1 Administrivia (6/8) Feature of Textbook William Stalling Inspiring
Academic Resources Website end of each chap and the book

9 0.1 Administrivia (7/8) Refernce Books
《计算机操作系统(修订版)》 汤子 赢,哲凤屏. 汤小丹. 西安电子科技 大学出版社 推荐要考研的同学参考本教材 操作系统教程(第4版)孙钟秀高等 教育出版社 《计算机的心智:操作系统之哲学 原理 》,邹恒明 ,机械工业出版社 《操作系统:原理技术与编程》, 蒋静,徐志伟. 机械工业出版社 考研的复习参考书推荐国内操作系统最经典的教材,西电汤子瀛版的《操作系统》。很多高校都在使用这本书做操作系统课程的教材或者课内参考书,计算机考研统考大纲也和这本书的目录比较一致,建议大家复习时采用。  操作系统在大纲中的考查目标是了解操作系统在计算机系统中的作用、地位、发展和特点;理解操作系统的基本概念、原理,掌握操作系统设计方法与实现技术;能够运用所学的操作系统原理、方法与技术分析问题和解决问题。

10 0.1 Administrivia (8/8) Refernce Books
《Operating System Concepts》 Abraham Silberschatz,高等教育出版社 《Modern Operating System》 Andrew S. Tanenbaum (荷),机 械工业出版社 《Operating System:Design and Implementation》 Andrew S. Tanenbaum (荷), 电子工业出版社

11 Chapter 0: Introduction
0.1 Administrivia 0.2 Syllabus 0.3 Teaching Strategies 0.4 Some Suggestion

12 0.2 Syllabus (1/11) Course topics Threads & Processes
Concurrency & Synchronization Scheduling Virtual Memory I/O Disks, File systems Protection & Security Virtual machines Note: Lectures will often take Unix as an example Most current and future OSes heavily influenced by Unix Won't talk much about Windows

13 0.2 Syllabus (2/11) lab assignment 1
Introduction&Computer System Overview 2 Operating System Overview 3 Process Description and Control 4 Threads/SMP 5 Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization 6 7 Deadlock and Starvation 8 9 Memory Management 10 Visual Memory 11 Scheduling 12 I/O Management 13 File Management 14 Other Issues of OS 15 Review

14 0.2 Syllabus (3/11) What is OS ? System software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. /Operating_system 简单讲就是承上启下

15 0.2 Syllabus (4/11) What is OS ? 关于Linux内核的书已经不计其数,但这本书却是独树一帜的,它的内容代表着Linux内核研究成果的世界顶尖级水平,它在世界范围内首次提出并阐述了操作系统设计的核心指导思想--主奴机制 在特权机制下,操作系统和应用程序的关系变成了主子和奴才的关系,我们把这种特权机制叫做主奴机制. 豆瓣读书: 关于Linux内核的书已经不计其数,但这本书却是独树一帜的,它的内容代表着Linux内核研究成果的世界顶尖级水平,它在世界范围内首次提出并阐述了操作系统设计的核心指导思想--主奴机制,这是所有操作系统操作系统研究者的一笔宝贵财富。本书可能也代表着同类图书的顶尖水平,是一本真正能引导我们较为容易的、极为透彻的理解Linux内核的经典之作,也可能是当前唯一能从本质上指引我们去设计和开发拥有自主知识产权的操作系统的著作。它的出版也许会成为Linux内核研究领域的一个里程碑事件。

16 0.2 Syllabus (5/11) What is OS ?

17 (Application Programming Interface)
0.2 Syllabus (6/11) What is OS ? User Applications Shell Library OS API (Application Programming Interface) System Call

18 0.2 Syllabus (7/11) Why study operating system?
Foundations of computer science and technology Crossing field of IT and EE Mandatory testing while applying to graduate program The peak of IT industry IT业界的浪潮之巅 Seeking a job as System Programmer Application Programmer Perception of Universe, perception about life [感悟宇宙, 感悟人生]

19 0.2 Syllabus (8/11) Why study operating system? Ref: 我是一只IT小小鸟 P214

20 0.2 Syllabus (9/11) Why study operating system?

21 0.2 Syllabus (10/11) Course goals
Introduce you to operating system concepts Cover important systems concepts in general Teach you to deal with larger sofware systems Prepare you to take OS testing while applying graduate program

22 0.2 Syllabus (11/11) Roadmap for learner Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

23 Chapter 0: Introduction
0.1 Administrivia 0.2 Syllabus 0.3 Teaching Strategies 0.4 Some Suggestion

24 0.3 Teaching Strategies (1/3)
Student-centered learning Ref: <How to read a book> 中文版 第一章阅读的艺术和活力 p15 医生努力为病人做许多事,但是最终的结论是 这个病人必须自己好起来,变得健康。农夫为 他的植物或者动物做了很多事,结果是这些动 植物必须长大,变得更好。同样地,老师可能 用尽了方法来教学生,学生必须自己能学习才 行。当他学习到了,知识就会在他脑中生根发 芽。

25 0.3 Teaching Strategies (2/3)
Student-centered learning, executed by 学生预习 师讲解主线,然后布置一些topic 学生进行主题阅读,完成手写作业,准备同学讲解 同学进行讲解,讨论交流 课后复习、预习

26 0.3 Teaching Strategies (3/3)
Student-centered learning, result as Not Everything on book will be covered Not Everything in lecture is from textbook More time after class

27 Chapter 0: Introduction
0.1 Administrivia 0.2 Syllabus 0.3 Teaching Strategies 0.4 Some Suggestion

28 0.4 Some Suggestion(1/3) OS教学的一些认识(前传) 重要性? 难? 实践? 学术? 抽象和枯燥?

29 0.4 Some Suggestion(2/3) 0. Sleep Early, and eat big breakfast
1. 预习和复习 2.利用好提供的读书笔记 3. 上课记笔记 4. 扩展形成自己的读书笔记 5. 认真完成作业,积极参与同学讲解和讨论 6.进行适当的扩展阅读

30 0.4 Some Suggestion(3/3) 学习上的建议
理论和实践的结合:Learning by doing:把Lab 和理论结合起来 主干和细节的结合  理解和记忆 学习/理解广度和深度的结合:层次 学习Loop性: 反复阅读 交叉阅读 阅读+实践+反思

31 QQ聊天记录:哥伦比亚大学 研究生 OS课程

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