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第四章 陣列、指標與參考 4-1 物件陣列 4-2 使用物件指標 4-3 this指標 4-4 new 與 delete

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1 第四章 陣列、指標與參考 4-1 物件陣列 4-2 使用物件指標 4-3 this指標 4-4 new 與 delete
4-6 參考(reference) 4-7 傳遞物件參考 4-8 傳回參考 4-9 獨立參考與其限制

2 4-1物件陣列: 範例一 class samp { int a ; public: samp() { a = 0 ; }
int get_a() { return a ;} } ; void main() { samp ob[4] ; // 生成了?個ob物件 }

3 範例二: 會呼叫甚麼建構子? class samp { int a ; public: samp(int n) { a = n ; }
int get_a() { return a ;} } ; void main() { samp ob[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4} ; cout << ob[0].get_a() <<endl ; }

4 範例三: 多維陣列的初值 void main() { samp ob[4][2] = {1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7,8} ;
cout << ob[3][0].get_a() <<endl ; }

5 4-3 this指標 class frac { int q, p ; public:
frac() { this->q = 0; this->p = 0 ; } void set(int u, int d) {this->q = u; this->p =d ; } } ; void main() { frac f ; f.set(3, 5) ; // 傳了三個參數&f, 3, 5 } this指標

6 4-4, 4-5 new 與 delete 動態記憶體配置 frac *f1 = new frac ;
frac *f4 = new frac(f3) ; // f1 is an frac object frac *f5 = new frac[20] ; delete f1; delete[] f2; …… delete[] f5;

7 4-4, 4-5 new 與 delete 以下各行指令,何時有frac物件產生? 1 frac f ; 2 frac *pf ;
3 pf = new frac() ; 4 frac fs[20] ; 5 frac *pfs ; 6 pfs = new frac[20] ;

8 4-6 參考型態(reference type)
為變數建立別名(alias) int x = 60 ; int& LB = x ; // LB的資料型態是? LB++ ; cout << x ; // 注意: 沒有 * frac f(3,5) ; frac& pratio = f ; pratio.set(7,10); ; const int &ref = 10 ;

9 參考型態(reference type) int ival = 1024; int &refval = ival;
// ok: refval is a reference to ival int &refval2; // error: reference must be initialized to an object int &refval = &ival; // error: refval is of type int, not int* int *p = &ival // ok: refptr is a reference to a pointer int *&refptr = p;

10 參考型態(reference type) main(){ main(){ int ival = 1024, ival2 = 2048;
int &ri = ival, int &ri2 = ival2; cout<< ri<<" "<<ri2<<endl; ri=ri2; } main(){ int ival = 1024, ival2 = 2048; int *p = &ival, *p2 = &ival2; cout<<*p<<" " <<*p2<<endl; p=p2; }

11 參考型態(reference type) class frac { int q, p ; public:
frac() { this->q = 0; this->p = 0 ; } frac(int a, int b){q=a;p=b;} void set(int u, int d) {this->q = u; this->p =d ; } void show(){cout<<p<<" "<<q<<endl;} } ; void main(){ frac f(3,5) ; ; frac& pratio = f ; pratio.set(7,10); ;}

12 4-6 參考型態(reference type)
使用時機 獨立參考 函數參數傳遞 函數回傳值

13 範例二: #include <math.h>
void round1(double num) ; // void round1(double); void round2(double &num) ; // void round2(double&); void main() { double i = ; round1(i) ; cout << i ; round2(i) ; cout << i ; } void round1(double num) { num = num/fabs(num) * int(fabs(num)+0.5) ; }void round2(double &num) {/*四捨五入 同上*/ ….}

14 範例一: swap(x,y) void swap(int &x, int &y) ; //如果無&? void main() {
int i =10, j =19 ; cout << i << “ “ << j <<endl ; swap(i, j) ; //注意呼叫方式,非swap(&i, &j); cout << i << “ “ << j << endl ; } void swap(int &x, int &y) { int temp = x; x = y ; y = temp ;

15 4-7 傳遞物件參考 class myclass { int data[20] ; Q: fun1()與fun2()哪個較有效率?
public: myclass() { ….. } …… } ; void fun1(myclass ob1) {….. } // 被呼叫時是否產生物件 void fun2(myclass& ob2) {……} // 被呼叫時是否產生物件 void main() { myclass ob; fun1(ob) ; fun2(ob) ; } Q: fun1()與fun2()哪個較有效率? 較省空間?

16 4-8 傳回參考 範例一: 寫在等式右邊函式 int score[50] ;
int& last() { return score[49]; } void main() { last() = 0 ; // score[49] = 0 ; cout<<last()<<endl; }

17 範例二: 不要傳回超過作用範圍的物件 // 以下程式有何錯誤?
範例二: 不要傳回超過作用範圍的物件 // 以下程式有何錯誤? int& last() { int a[50]; return a[49]; } void main() { last() = 0 ; cout<<last()<<endl; }

18 範例三: safeArray (務必讀懂) class array { char *p; int size; …… }
void main() { array a[20] ; //自動檢查錯誤 // 如果你已overload []這個運算符號 a[2] = 10; a[30] = 7;

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