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Ecology of Transgenic Crops

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1 Ecology of Transgenic Crops
鄭先祐 (Ayo) 台南大學 環境與生態學院 教授

2 紐西蘭「反對食品與環境基因工程」的媽媽團體 2003/10/3 自由時報
紐西蘭「反對食品與環境基因工程」的媽媽團體 /10/3 自由時報 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

3 No 基因轉植 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

4 Ecology of Transgenic Crops
Genetically engineered plants might generate weed problems and affect non-target organisms, but measuring the risk is difficult. 資料取自: Marvier, M. (2001) Ecology of transgenic crops. American Scientist 89(2): Ecology of Transgenic Crops

5 基因轉植的問題 On May 20, 1999, a short article in Nature called attention to a potential ecological problem with a genetically engineered, or transgenic, crop. Losey and his colleagues at Cornell Univ. reported that a variety of transgenic corn could kill the larvae of monarch butterflies. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

6 Losey and his colleagues found that only 56% of the monarch larvae survived when fed milkweed plants coated with transgenic corn pollen, whereas 100% of larvae survived when the plants were coated with non-transgenic corn pollen. Fig. 1. Monarch caterpillars feed on a milkweed leaf dusted with pollen from corn that was genetically engineered to resist pest. Plant breeders can transfer a gene from a bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis into corn, which causes it to produce an insecticidal compound, commonly called Bt toxin. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

7 反對者 vs. 贊成者 Opponents of transgenic crops help up the report as evidence of the potentially devastating environmental impact. Proponents largely dismissed this laboratory-based research as unrepresentative of conditions on real farms. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

8 基因轉植的威力 Genetic engineering makes it possible to transfer genes from virtually any species – animal, bacteria, plant or virus – into almost any other species, no matter how unrelated the two species might be. 如此可以創造出 將水母的發光基因轉植入植物,有各種顏色的草(Monsanto 公司)。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

9 基因轉植的農作物:利與害 利益:增加生產量、增進味道和營養成分,以及抗病力(減少農藥的使用)。
害處:對人體健康有過敏原(allergens)和致癌因素(carcinogens)。對環境而言,產生新的pests,對non-target species的傷害,disruption of ecosystem processes。 然而,對這些可能的害處,學術界的研究卻是很有限。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

10 基因轉植的農作物:激增! In 1996,商業栽植基因轉植的農作物的農地面積有430萬公頃。
With such rapidly in creasing use of transgenic crops, scientists and society must weigh whether the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

11 基因轉植,more than 育種? Do transgenic crops pose different risks from those common to crops created through traditional methods of plant breeding? Genetic engineering can create many more combinations of genes and new traits than can traditional breeding. This greatly enhanced novelty diminishes anyone’s ability to predict the safety of a transgenic organism on the basis of past experience. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

12 DDT的案例 Scientists and manufactures considered DDT totally risk-free when first marketed in the late 1940s, and data that documented ill effects took nearly 20 years to surface. Similarly, major problems might result from transgenic crops over time. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

13 Fig. 2. DDT gets praise from an advertisement in the June 30, 1947, issue of Time.
Ecology of Transgenic Crops

14 DDT 的興衰史 DDT: Dichloro-Dipheny-Trichloroethane DDT的發現與應用:
雙氯-雙苯-三氯乙醛 DDT的發現與應用: 第一次合成是在1874年 於1939年,發現其可用作殺虫劑 (Paul Muller) 美國大量生產是始於1940年代初期。 1948年 Paul Muller 因其在1939年的發現而榮獲諾貝爾醫學獎。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

15 DDT 的興衰史 二次大戰後,廣泛用於農業;用量逐年增加,至1959年達到高峰,每年施用8,000萬磅。
1959年後,則逐年減少用量;至1972年完全被禁止。(但工廠仍舊生產,外銷) 前後約30年,美國境內總計耗用13億5千萬磅DDT,另有數億磅外銷。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

16 DDT被禁用的過程 1947年前,DDT被公認為有效且安全。 1957年,美國聯邦政府對DDT的使用範圍,開始有些限制。
1962年,Rachel Carson 的Silent Spring 1963年5月,美國的科學顧問委員會建議DDT應在短期內禁用。 1967年,DDT被進一步的限制使用。 1972年6月14日,在聽過9,312頁(來自125位學者專家)的證言,以及350份以上的文件後,美國環保署宣佈於農業,全面禁用。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

17 Insect-resistant transgenic crops
Creating new weeds Troubles for non-targets What is significantly safe? Setting standards for sampling Dealing with uncertainty Ecology of Transgenic Crops

18 Creating new weeds The release of organisms with novel phenotypes bears similarities to the introduction of non-native species. 許多的證據顯示,許多外來種,可能如同雜草(weeds),造成對環境和經濟的傷害。 抗蟲的植物,可能會有較強的擴散能力,如同雜草。 Hybridization between a transgenic crop and a related non-crop plant can spread novel traits to additional species. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

19 Fig. 3. Purple loosestrife ranks as one of the most economically costly and environmentally destructive examples of non-native species. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

20 有蟲和無蟲,production of flowerers, fruits or seeds 的量,相差可高達25倍。
Fig. 4. Invertebrate herbivores can limit plant reproduction. This graph represents the pooled results from many experiment on the impacts of invertebrate herbivores on plant-reproductive performance. 有蟲和無蟲,production of flowerers, fruits or seeds 的量,相差可高達25倍。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

21 Troubles for non-targets
案例: a plant that is toxic to Colorado potato beetles could conceivably also be toxic to non-pest beetles or to beetles that actually benefit farmers, including ladybird beetles. Losey and his colleagues studied the effects of pollen produced by transgenic corn that resists lepodopteran pests. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

22 ↑Bt corn corn 的蛀蟲↑ Ecology of Transgenic Crops

23 Fig. 5. This corn releases an insecticidal compound (red) through its roots into the soil. That compound can remain insecticidal for 230 days or more and could impact populations of soil organisms. In addition, pollen from Bt corn (blue) can travel as far as 60 meters, where it coats the surface of non-crop plants. Non-target insects, including monarch butterfly larvae, consume some of the windblown corn pollen. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

24 What is significantly safe?
Transgenic crops that produce insect toxins must undergo two separate reviews of environmental safety before they can be sold commercially in the U.S. 1. EPA reviews laboratory studies assessing a crop’s effects on particular non-target organisms, including pollinators, predatory insects and, often, soil invertebrates. 2. Sufficient field data regarding a crop’s performance and safety. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

25 批准申請案 As of July 2000, the US 農業部已經批准50個申請案。其中有14個是具有抗蟲的農作物,且都是運用Bt toxin。 目前通過申請案運用Bt toxin的農作物有玉米、棉花、馬鈴薯和蕃茄。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

26 樣品數極少! 申請通過的案例: 編號:#97-012-01p 內容:A variety of Bt cotton
In experiments designed to test this transgenic crop’s impact on soil invertebrates, investigators placed four replicate batches of earthworms– with 10 worms per batch– in soil that included ground leaves from either transgenic or non-transgenic cotton. 測試:14天。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

27 兩者間平均差距有29.5%,但是統計的結果是差異不顯著。
這明顯的是因為樣品數過少所造成的結果。 另外,實驗的時間只有14天,這也明顯的太短。 Fig. 6. The batches of earthworms exposed to Bt cotton increased in weight on average by 49% (↑). The earthworms exposed to non-transgenic cotton increased in weight on average by 78.5% (→). Ecology of Transgenic Crops

28 Setting standards for sampling
案例: 編號:# p 內容:a Bt potato 情況:研究者當發現實驗結果是有顯著的差異時,就再重複進行實驗。重複進行至結果是沒有差異時,才停止實驗。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

29 而且認為應該要進行 over the entire life span的測試。
案例: The Swiss Federal Research Station found that green lacewings, which are beneficial predatory insects, experienced 62% mortality when fed a diet of pests reared on Bt corn, but only 37% mortality when fed pests reared on non-transgenic corn. 樣品數:200個體 per treatment. 而且認為應該要進行 over the entire life span的測試。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

30 A scientific advisory panel
Met in December 1999 to review the EPA guidelines and recommended the following: The agency (EPA) should consider how the data will be used and establish an acceptable level of statistical power. Based on these decisions, appropriate tests and sample sizes can be determined. Ecology of Transgenic Crops

31 Dealing with uncertainty
Risk analysis should reveal how the public good might suffer if new technologies backfire. We could assume that a transgenic product is unsafe until the manufacturer demonstrates its safety. Further exploration: Ecology of Transgenic Crops

32 複雜與不確定 Complexity and Uncertainty
整個地球生態體系是極為複雜。 CO2量,對地球的溫室化有多大的貢獻,以及其對各種生態體系的影響情況,等等,都有許多的不確定性。 生態體系的研究,其困難除了是複雜外,還有就是所需要的研究時間非常的久。 全球溫暖化對全球經濟的衝擊程度有多大,更是議論紛紛。 地球上已知的生命物種,至少有140萬多種 。 了解貧乏或是偏差,以及不確定與爭議是必然存在的。 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

33 地球各類生物的已知種類數目 資料摘譯自Stiling (1992), p.18。
Ecology of Transgenic Crops

34 全球溫化的影響 (專家的預測) Ecology of Transgenic Crops

35 全球溫化的影響 (專家的預測) Ecology of Transgenic Crops

36 全球溫化的影響 (專家的預測) Ecology of Transgenic Crops

37 問題與討論 靜宜大學 人文暨社會科學院
生態主張者:Ayo 靜宜站 Ecology of Transgenic Crops

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