致新科技(8081.TW) 2019年第1季法人說明會 報告人 總經理: 吳錦川 2019 年 5月 10 日.

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Presentation on theme: "致新科技(8081.TW) 2019年第1季法人說明會 報告人 總經理: 吳錦川 2019 年 5月 10 日."— Presentation transcript:

1 致新科技(8081.TW) 2019年第1季法人說明會 報告人 總經理: 吳錦川 2019 年 5月 10 日

2 免責聲明 These following-looking statements, which may include statements regarding GMT’s future results of operations, financial condition or business prospects are subject to significant risks and uncertainties and are based on GMT’s current expectations. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements for a variety of reasons, including, among other things; the cyclical nature or our industry; our dependence on introducing new products on a timely basis; our dependence on growth in the demand for our products; our ability to compete effectively; our ability to successfully expand our capacity; our dependence on key personnel; general economic and political conditions, including those related to the IC industry; possible disruptions in commercial activities caused by natural and human-induced disaster, including terrorist activity and armed conflict; and fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. In addition, any financial information contained here with is presented in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the Republic of China. Our release of financial forecasts and forward-looking statements at any particular time does not create any duty of disclosure beyond that which is imposed by law, and we expressly disclaim and obligation to publicly update or revise any forecasts or forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 2019/7/14

3 From: service@twse.com.tw Subject: 致新(8081) 貴公司於法人說明會中發言應注意事項
敬啟者: 於法人說明會中,應注意預測性營業收入或獲利資訊之發言,且會中所揭露資訊(含簡報檔及口頭說明),不得有誇耀性或類似廣告宣傳之文字,不應任意發布尚未確定之消息或公開與事實不符之資料等,敬請落實轉達貴公司高層發言人員,以免違反本公司「對有價證券上市公司重大訊息之查證暨公開處理程序」第15條第1項第2款及第3款規定,或「對上市公司應 公開完整式財務預測之認定標準」規定,致有編製財務預測之虞。 2019/7/14

4 合併財務報表 單位: 千元台幣 以上數字係依據IRFS編製且經會計師核閱。 2019/7/14 4/7

5 產品應用 107Q1 107Q2 107Q3 107Q4 108Q1 Panel 32% 30% 31% 33% 35% NB 26%
27% 24% TV set 18% 20% 23% 22% Distributor 13% 12% 11% 10% 其他 9% 2019/7/14 5/7

6 不能給2019 第二季 營運展望 項目 107年度 108年度 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 營業利益 77,265 95,663 192,493 140,161 164,810 稅前純益 48,653 146,977 204,736 149,023 171,617 業外淨額 (28,612) 51,314 12,243 8,862 6,807 最近4期業外總計 43,807 79,226 最近4期稅前純益 549,389 672,353 比率 7.97% 11.78% 是否超標(>10%) no 超標 若最近4期業外總計與最近4期稅前純益總計之比率>10%,且有公告預測性資料等,依臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司「對上市公司應公開完整式財務預測之認定標準」第二條規定,需公布全年度完整財測。 2019/7/14 6

7 感謝聆聽 請多指教 2019/7/14 7

8 請參照致新科技網址 www.gmt.com.tw 問題、建議與指教 ir@gmt.com.tw

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