River of Desire 這條愛河 來自新郎的心 開啟神豐富的鑰匙 在這裡 我聽見 聖靈在耳邊輕低語(好喜歡你)

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Presentation on theme: "River of Desire 這條愛河 來自新郎的心 開啟神豐富的鑰匙 在這裡 我聽見 聖靈在耳邊輕低語(好喜歡你)"— Presentation transcript:

1 River of Desire 這條愛河 來自新郎的心 開啟神豐富的鑰匙 在這裡 我聽見 聖靈在耳邊輕低語(好喜歡你)
慕主音樂 [24] 詞、曲:呂敏文、施弘文 這條愛河 來自新郎的心 Rivers pour out From my Bridegroom’s heart 開啟神豐富的鑰匙 在這裡 Rivers of love hold the key To His fullness! 我聽見 聖靈在耳邊輕低語(好喜歡你) The Holy Spirit softly whispers to me (I’m fond of you) 容我 帶你 伴你 踏進去 Let Me bring you into this stream 我們 手牽手 一起走進去 Let us enter in, walking hand in hand! River of Desire [1/7]

2 1 你喜樂 流進我心 你歌聲 流進我心 River of Desire! (River of Desire)
Your joy flows into my heart! 你歌聲 流進我心 Your song fills my heart! 1 River of Desire [2/7]

3 你熱情 湧進我心 更多! 更多! 更多流進來! River of Fire! (River of Fire!)
Your passion floods my heart! River of Desire! (River of Desire!) 更多! 更多! 更多流進來! Much more! Much more! Flow in me much more! River of Desire [3/7]

4 2 你笑聲 快樂我心 你歌聲 甜蜜我心 River of Desire! (River of Desire!)
Your laughter makes my heart glad! 你歌聲 甜蜜我心 Your sweetness fills my soul! 2 River of Desire [4/7]

5 你熱情 跳動我心 我想! 我想! 我想跳起來! River of Fire! (River of Fire!)
Your love makes my heart leap! River of Desire! (River of Desire!) 我想! 我想! 我想跳起來! I want… I want… to jump up with joy! River of Desire [5/7]

6 3 你笑聲 暢快我心 你歌聲 震撼我心 River of Desire! (River of Desire!)
Oh! Pure joy bubbles over! 你歌聲 震撼我心 How Your voice resounds! 3 River of Desire [6/7]

7 你熱情 熔化我心 更深! 更深! 更深你的愛! River of Fire! (River of Fire!)
Your passion consumes my soul! River of Desire! (River of Desire!) 更深! 更深! 更深你的愛! Deeper! Deeper! Dive deeper in Love! Copyright 2004 Forerunner Mission Ministry River of Desire [7/7]

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