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Though some may bear their load alone, Yet I need Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Though some may bear their load alone, Yet I need Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Though some may bear their load alone, Yet I need Jesus.
[1/6] I Need Jesus 雖有人願自擔重負,我卻需耶穌。 Though some may bear their load alone, Yet I need Jesus.

2 Every day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus.
[2/6] 每日在我生命中,我需要耶穌。 Every day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus.

3 Alone I know I can but fail, So I need Jesus.
[3/6] 但憑己力知必失敗,故我需耶穌。 Alone I know I can but fail, So I need Jesus.

4 Every day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus.
[4/6] 每日在我生命中,我需要耶穌。 Every day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus.

5 So constant, kind, so strong and true, Yes, I need Jesus.
[5/6] 十分可靠,真誠,慈詳,我真需耶穌。 So constant, kind, so strong and true, Yes, I need Jesus.

6 Every day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus.
[6/6] 每日在我生命中,我需要耶穌。 Every day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus.

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