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Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 企業社會責任調查報告

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1 Survey on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 企業社會責任調查報告
Press Conference 新聞發佈會

2 Agenda 議程 Background of the Survey 調查背景 Respondents Demographics 受訪者
Survey Findings 結果 Recommendations 建議 Q&A 答問環節

3 Background of the Survey
Our Objective How the Survey was Done Respondent Demographics

4 Our Objective Corporate to fulfill Social Responsibilities
A lot of recent debates and protests Enforcement of minimum wages Raising fares by public utilities Urban real-estate development Conservation issues and many more… Seemingly a growing consent of urging Corporate to fulfill Social Responsibilities

5 Our Objective To understand the public perception about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) their understandings their evaluation their suggestions for improvements CSR in their company This survey was an effort under CUMBA CSR Conference 2011

6 351 Full Responses Collected
About the Survey Between 29 Mar and 11 Apr Online Questionnaire Open to Public Invitation sent via alumni network, social network 351 Full Responses Collected

7 <40 >20k 96% 31% 85% Demographics of Respondents Age Income
70% of respondents aged Income >20k 76% of respondents earned per month Education Level 96% Respondents with degree or above Marital Status 31% Respondent is a parent Residence 85% Permanent Resident of HK

8 the Four-Part Survey 四大分類
Survey Findings 調查結果 the Four-Part Survey 四大分類 Respondents’ Understanding on CSR 對企業社會責任的理解 2) Respondents’ Evaluation of CSR in Hong Kong 對香港企業執行社會責任情況的評價 3) Respondents’ Idea of improvements 對改進方法的意見 4) Respondents’ views on their companies’ CSR initiatives 任職的公司中有關企業社會責任的工作

9 Respondents’ Understanding on CSR 對企業社會責任的理解
Businesses Bear Social Responsibility when Making Legitimate Profit 企業在爭取盈利的同時應負有社會責任 92% Strongly Agree or Agree in a scale of 5 CSR is Important to Sustainable Business Growth 企業社會責任對企業持續增長重要 73% Strongly Agree or Agree in a scale of 5

10 Motives for CSR Initiatives 倡議企業社會責任的動機
Reference: Part 1 pg 9,11,13,19, 21, 23 經營模式及決策的一部分 長期戰略投資 提升大眾利益 公關策略 市場行銷/ 品牌 / 展示工具 市場行銷/ 品牌 / 展示工具 市場行銷/ 品牌 / 展示工具 市場行銷/ 品牌 / 展示工具 市場行銷/ 品牌 / 展示工具 公關策略 公關策略 公關策略 公關策略 長期戰略投資 長期戰略投資 經營模式及決策的一部分 提升大眾利益 提升大眾利益 提升大眾利益 Percentage with respect to 351 respondents

11 46% 11% How about Cost? 成本 NOT Paying more
To absorb extra cost due to CSR Practices 即使企業社會責任產生附加成本,也不願轉化為客戶成本 Accept Any raise on price for good CSR Practices 企業良好地履行社會責任,願意接受任何程度的價格提升 46% 11% with 9% believes there should be no added cost

12 What Problems Can be Resolved by CSR 企業社會責任可解決什麼問題
Percentage with respect to 351 respondents Reference: Part 2 page 23,25,27,29,33 減少污染 改善勞資關係 改善工作生活平衡 減低仇視商界 減低仇富 提高社會階級流動性 消除貧富分化 12

13 How Businesses in HK Are Performing?
香港企業在社會責任方面表現如何? Are We Doing Enough? How we Rate Ourselves? Why? Performance by Aspects Performance by Industries Reference: Part 1, page 3, page 5 13

14 Are Businesses in HK Doing Enough? 香港企業在社會責任方面做足夠嗎?
Businesses in Hong Kong are NOT Doing Enough in CSR 不足夠 75% Strongly Disagree or Disagree in a scale of 5 Businesses in HK Fulfill CSR Worst than Advanced Economies 較先進國家的企業做得差 58% Strongly Disagree or Disagree in a scale of 5

15 Underlying Reasons for Under-Performance 做得不足的潛在原因
主要關注利潤 其他 缺少相關規範 缺少政府支持 缺少意識 缺少執行知識和能力 與企業性質不匹配 Percentage with respect to 351 respondents

16 Best-Performing Aspects 表現最佳項目
Compliance with legal requirements 遵守法律要求 % Cash donation 慈善捐獻 56.70% Honesty & Fairness in transactions 誠實及公平經營 24.79% Percentage with respect to 351 respondents

17 Worst-Performing Aspects 表現最差項目
Assurance on employee benefits 保證員工利益 60.40% Environmental protection 環境保護 57.55% Honesty & Fairness in transactions 誠實及公平經營 40.46% Accountability on undesirable incidents 對意外事故負責 30.2% Percentage with respect to 351 respondents

18 Best-Performing Industries 表現最佳行業
Banking & Finance 銀行/金融 Professional Services 專業服務 Insurance 保險 Transportation / Logistics 交通/物流 Percentage with respect to 351 respondents

19 Industries to be Improved 有待改善行業
Property / Real Estate 房地產 Building & Construction 建築 Retail 零售 Hospitality / Food & Beverages酒店 / 餐飲 Percentage with respect to 351 respondents

20 Feasible Ways for Major Stakeholders
How would CSR in HK be entrenched? 如何實行 Feasible Ways for Major Stakeholders Government 政府 Business Community 商界 General Public 市民大眾 Reference: Part 1, page 3, page 5 20

21 For the Government 給政府的建議
Provide Financial Incentives 50% 提供財政獎勵 Influence via Regulations 22% 以法例影響 Establish Non-Enforcing Guidelines 9% 建立非強制性指引 Percentage with respect to 314 respondents who participated this part

22 For the Business Community 給商界的建議
Inject Terms in Business Contract 33% 在商業合同中列入相關條款 Enforce Self-Discipline 18% 實行自我約束 Influence via Business Associations 17% 通過商業團體互相影響 Percentage with respect to 314 respondents who participated this part

23 For the General Public 給市民大眾的建議
Enforce Customers’ Power 44% 執行消費者權力 Raise Awareness via Education 39% 通過教育提升社會意識 Percentage with respect to 314 respondents who participated this part

24 Concluding Thoughts 總結 How should We Act Accordingly?
What do We Learn from this Survey? How should We Act Accordingly? Reference: Part 1, page 3, page 5 24

25 Concluding Thoughts 總結
High expectation from the public 大眾期望高 tackle social issues 針對社會問題 Consumers are unlikely to absorb extra cost 消費者不願額外支付 potential cost pressure 潛在成本壓力 CSR Performance varies by industries 各行業表現不同 Consumers are ready to enforce their power 消費者可隨時執行消費者權力 Government can facilitate the improvement 政府可促進改善 Greater challenge for businesses 企業面臨更大挑戰 balance expectation with profit margin 期望和利潤之間取得平衡 triple bottom-line ( environment, economy, social well-being ) 三重底線 (環境、經濟 、社會 ) Reference: Part 1 page 9, 11, 19,21, 31, Part 3, page 9

26 Thank You 謝謝 Press Conference 新聞發佈會

27 for a Sustainable Future
11 May 2011 Global Partnership for a Sustainable Future Sustainability in Investment and Business Decisions Emerging CSR-Related Businesses Leading CSR Practitioners CSR in Mainland China CSR Challenges and Issues Register Online

28 16 Prominent Speakers

29 16 Prominent Speakers

30 Register Online

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